“PEACE COMES AT A COST, BUT THE PRICE IS NEVER TOO HIGH; AFTER ALL, IT HAS BEEN PAID.” “Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.” (Matt. 5:9) O H, TO BE CALLED A SON of God. Who would not choose or desire to be recognized as a child of the One who cast the stars from His fingertips, controls time, created all living things, and has dominion over all of the heavens? We might say, “Who wouldn’t?” Yet when God chose to manifest Himself on this planet in the form of His Son Jesus Christ, many chose not to. Sadly, this pattern continues on today across the world. One key, they are not peacemakers. What does this have to do with salvation, you ask? Nothing at all: it has to do with sacrifice. Wow, now I have you thinking (it’s OK; I’m scratching my head as well)! Peacemaking comes with sacrifice and cannot be found without it. Peacemaker here is defined as “one who makes peace by reconciliation” so in order to make peace, there must be those who are at odds. Could it be Jesus was speaking to us about those who were at odds with God as well as those who were at odds with each other? Think about it, you are a peacemaker if you can show a person lost in sin the pathway to salvation! Have you ever known a sinner who was not in some way at odds with God? Of course not: it is impossible not to be at odds with God unless your sins are covered in the blood of Jesus. Wow! I never really thought about this until today–the ultimate peace–salvation through Christ, allowing me to be called a son of God. But I thought when I got saved I became a son of God. You did. Our lives lived through Christ should cause us to be makers of peace, lights in a dark world, revealers of turmoil–one who provides hope for the lost, friends to the friendless, and sources of joy for the downtrodden. Recently, my family and I spent an evening at our friend’s Country Inn. There was no moon, and we were in the shadow of the mountain. It was pitch black after the sun went down. Yet I noticed as soon as the sun disappeared and darkness took hold, every path became illuminated so brightly you couldn’t help but find your way. As a matter of fact, the only way to experience darkness was to step off the path. I see us very much that way in this world, people who can choose to follow the path or choose to step off. I said earlier peace does not come without sacrifice. Let’s explore that thought for a moment–the most obvious, of course, is peace with God cannot be found without the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Second, in order to lead others to peace, we must sacrifice our pride, and third, in order to maintain peace, we must all sacrifice our flesh. Maybe you attempted one or all, and possibly you have and failed–keep trying. Maybe you are one who has succeeded–stay on guard and never give up–you are a child of God. Be encouraged! MY PRAYER Father, help us to be peacemakers for You in a world filled with turmoil. Teach us to be humble, upright, and joyful, even when we don’t want to. In Jesus’ name, Amen. †
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 14:14:25 +0000

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