**PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCHES MAKE HISTORY** **OTHERS LEAD ON CLIMATE- AUSTRALIA STANDS CONDEMNED** Australia turns its back on a safe future, betraying our Pacific Island neighbours with our about face carbon policies such as repealing the Carbon Tax, and plans to savage the RET. Australia is not a small polluter - including embedded emissions, we are responsible for near 5% of global emissions. It is not responsible to offer only a tiny 0.5% cut per annum when what is needed is 6-10% reduction per annum. We have been roundly condemned internationally for leading a charge backwards on climate. At the recent UN Emergency Climate Summit most of the worlds leaders came together to galvanise and catalyse climate action. President Obama offered leadership and ambitious cuts: We are the first generation to feel the impacts of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it. China committed to cut carbon intensity by 40-45% by 2020 compared to 2005. 73 Governments, other bodies representing half the worlds population have committed to a price on carbon. European countries offering 40% reduction by 2030, Germany will not support any more coal power plants. 160 Institutes and 500 individuals (including the Rockefellers) are preparing for 50 Billion dollars of divestment in next 3-5 years. We have no UN statement and we are the worlds worst emitter per capita if you include embedded carbon at 4.8% global, even without embedded carbon we emit a huge 24 tonnes per capita. The Climate Councils analysis shows that Direct Action, as proposed, is likely to lead to a RISE in emissions of 30% by 2020! Global emissions results are on a pathway to a hellish 5 degree future by 2100. Australian electricity emission were falling last year from pressure from the Carbon tax, however they have risen dramatically since its repeal. Please continue to act now for a safe climate and our childrens future! WHAT YOU CAN DO! 1) Ring PM Abbotts office on 02 6277 7700 and Minister Julie Bishops office on 02 627 6500 to voice your displeasure about our poor showing at the UN Emergency Climate Summit, and demand a price on carbon, and protection of the Renewable Energy Target. 2) Cut your emissions right now - switch to green power today! 3) Look at Solar - there are low cost pathways to get started! 4) The biggest and cheapest way to cut emissions is to reduce your meat intake. Animal agriculture accounts for half of global emissions - each plant based day saves 7% of your emissions! REFERENCES youtube/watch?v=Xn1uhV-m4rg un.org/climatechange/summit/2014/09/watch-marshallese-poet-kathy-jetnil-kijiner-speaking-climate-summit/ climateinstitute.org.au/articles/un-summit-australia-bogged-in-the-backwater-as-others-move-forward.html au.ibtimes/articles/567477/20140925/australia-un-climate-summit-change-obama.htm#.VCS-CVbXn8s nytimes/2014/08/21/opinion/australias-retreat-on-emissions.html?_r=0 https://getup.org.au/campaigns/climate-action-now/energyswitch-faqs/our-massive-next-move-on-renewables?t=dXNlcmlkPTIwMzY3NixlbWFpbGlkPTQ4MzU%3D
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:45:52 +0000

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