#PGFD DONT BULLY THE CITIZENS TO GET YOUR WAY! I just had 2 firemen and 3 police cars come to my house because of this FB group! So the two firemen come to my house, tell me that they are from #PGFD, and tell me they are offended regarding a REPLY I made to Seth Drew when he made weak plea to bolster his PSB yes vote and to make a contest for who loves PGFD the most. As if we in this group do not get or understand how #PGFD help the community. They handed me a letter, signed by many members #PGFD, at that point I tore the letter up and asked them to leave. (I did not read it) I see this as personal intimidation against this group. The cops were called to trespass these guys who seem to not have any boundaries. They can come as to my house in uniform and on a fire truck but not on their own time in there own car. The #PGPD tried to tell me they would not be able to help in an emergency because of the trespass, so I told him to hire more staff, if they could not keep my home safe. They were only asked not to come to the house when they were NOT in an official capacity. How odd they could only think to send me a letter for making the the FB post political and not the guy who posted the story in this group in the first place. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU WENT TO SOMEONES HOUSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT FACEBOOK....UNBELIEVABLE.... My reply they were all worked up about: Good work, and they did this fine job in a city office, firehouse, and police station that is.....well you know.....not what they want..... As a side note to this post, the discussion regarding the new space for our emergency responders is not about if we like, love, or admire them. I hope this post was not an effort to evoke a Love contest. They are paid to do just this type of thing, it is what I expect, and I am happy when they do their job, I am also happy when a home builder can construct a home and provide safety for our citizens. There is not ONE WORKING PERSON who does not provide a service to the community that does not deserve this type of praise. And lets not forget all those who are done working or dont have jobs who contribute to the community in equally meaningful ways.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:40:19 +0000

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