“PLEASE DO NOT LIKE OR COMMENT “ …….THIS IS WORSE THAN INVASION OF PRIVACY ITS MORE THAN THAT - IT’S A CONSPIRACY TO TARNISH MY GOOD STANDING REPUTATION IN THE OVERALL PUBLIC EYE AND EARS ..….AND FOR HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU “OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111” AND YOUR MTC ACCOMPLICE BEING MEDDLING IN PEOPLE’S PRIVATE LIFE READING PEOPLE S SMS’S AND DISCUSSING THEM AT BARS…….HOW SAFE ARE OUR PRIVATE LIFE – IN THIS DIGITAL AGE AND TIME…… ....…PRIVACY IS PRIVACY AND YOU …“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111” AND YOUR MTC ACCOMPLICE - YOU NEED TO RESPECT PEOPLE’s PRIVACY – REGARDLESS……….. ……WE ENTRUSTED MTC RESPECT OUR PRIVACY AS THEIR CLIENT AND NOT TO DIVILUGE OUR PRIVACY TO THE PUBLIC DOMAIN AT LARGE AND MTC ENTRUSTED ITS EMPLOYEES YET YOUR MTC EMPLOYEE ACCOMPLICE BETRAYED MTC TRUST ……..THE SAME WAY YOU …“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111” BETRAYED THE TRSUT OF YOUR FORMER Oshikango Portuguese Tycoon Bosses ……..OR IS MTC TO BLAME ? AND TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?....….. ….…“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”. you have the audacity to spread OTHER PEOPLES personal private Sms’s with your second mobile phone and main mobile phone this was intentional AND DELIBERATE as you were very specific – why weren’t the other messages that were found in the phone by your MTC accomplice not - “ EXPOSED “ -TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC AT LARGE LIKE YOU EXPOSED MINE ME SQWAZI……INVASION OF ANYBODYS PRIVACY AND TRESPASSING , INTRUDING in other peoples private life is a serious offence by law by default.……your jealousy and envy has nothing to do with me as persona…………….. …………..…“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”....we have eyes and ears too “Oneshila Young Man “PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111 “– however I feel sorry for your MTC informant and accomplice – he/SHE will face the music and pay the price…… ..… we will not hold MTC accountable however - that employee did not adhere to MTC’s policy – rules and regulation and procedures as an employee of MTC he or she was entrusted by MTC not to disclose clients private personal CONFIDENTIAL information in ANY clients mobile phones such as SMS’S or MMS or CONTACT NUMBER…….and this what you …“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111” did was intentional , malicious and deliberate to tarnish my good name “Hatuikulipi” and business……Defamation of character and character assassination to my persona as Hatuikulipi……a law abiding tax paying citizen…...is seriously stressing me up…... ........the damage your caused to me SQWAZI AND TO MY BUSINESS IS DELIBERATE AND INTENTIONAL - OUT OF YOUR JELOUSY .…..how do you target me who is busy and devoting my life to “RURAL DEVELOPMENT - “EMPOWEREMENT THROUGH IT/ICT TO ERADICATE POVERTY ” ……”YOU ARE A REAL MONGREL”…….. ..……they Confidante newspaper called me in ON THE 18th MARCH 2014 and I stood my ground as a proud AFRICAN some people don’t know what it means to be an African – their ignorance and lack of international exposure to the outside world is the cause of this – and colonialism is to blame for this error - and for many ignorant Africans ways and disrespectful Kovoetstyle behaviour such as those of “Oneshila “Shinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”………….. …………“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”…DESPERATE TO FIND OUT WHY IS SQWAZI and FITTY SUCCESSFUL …. AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT LAZY - BY DEFAULT ITS NORMAL FOR US TO BE PROSPEROUS WEALTHY , RICH AND SUCCESSFUL - SINCE WE HAVE ROYAL BLOOD IN OUR VEINS IS A CLEAR INDICATION TO YOU THAT – WE ARE MEANT TO BE ALL WE NEED TO BE AND WANT TO BE…WHICH IS NON OF YOUR BUSINESS…..…“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”…... ……AS LONG AS WE ARE NOT LAZY…………“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”…..THROUGH HARD WORK WE HATUIKULIPI BROTHERS - WILL CONTINUE TO CLIMB THE LADDER OF SUCCESS…… …………“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”……However I aint a coward as an African who grew up in a first world country in England - I never lost my Africanism and neither ashamed of being an AfricanOR CALLED AN AFRICAN – some Africans are trying extremely hard to distance themselves from being Africans in Africa living in Africa – does that make sense - in essence how do you live with yourself in denial that you are not African as a black man in Africa…ON AN AFRICAN CONTINENT ….......... …..…...THE EFFECT AND DAMAGES OF IMPERIALISM AND APARTHEID TO AFRICANS IS UNBEARABLE AND IS EVIDENT IN YOUR BEHAVIOUR …OF YOU - OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111”YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE’S PRIVACY …YOU AND YOU MTC ACCOMPLICE…..”BUCH OF RETARDS”….. ………“OneshilaShinguulu - PIG” BukuTuye George 0811411111” – here in Africa as a continent we have various cultures in Africa we are not Imperialist we are Africans ” AND WORLDLY WE HAVE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS RELIGION……WHO ARE YOU TO MAKE JUDGEMENT ON OTHER PEOPLE’S RELIGIOUS RELIGION’S AND CHOICE OF WORSHIP AND PRACTICE …….YEEE SHINGUULU.......
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:25:33 +0000

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