….PLEASE SPARE YOUR 2 MIN TO READ THIS…. “NO BATH DAY” – for the first glance, this phrase seems funny to some, some consider it as a vague idea or irrelevant and some support it as there is nothing they are losing in doing so. Yuvaan has taken this initiative not just for fun but to spread the idea that if we’ll not start thinking to SAVE WATER now, the days are not so far when we’ll actually strive to take a bath but there will be not a single drop to satisfy our need. “NO BATH DAY” is just a symbolic concept to motivate you to think in innovative ways to save our most precious resources without which, we’ll not be able to survive on our beautiful planet EARTH. For the facts being, a person consumes at least 15-20 litres of water while taking a bath. Our population is more than 1.2 billion. Simple mathematics tells us that even if half of the population will not take a bath on a single day will save more than 10 billion litres of water on a single day, which is enough to serve our many useful needs. For example, in the village of Namibia, there is a Himba tribe having a population of nearly 50,000 people, who baths only once in their life at the time of their wedding. It might seem a little funny to some of you, but as we all know there is a reason behind everything and the ideology of Himba tribe behind this act is that, bathing according to them is one of the most mundane work. Being a Semi-Nomad tribe, they believe in spending their life on everyday basis and wasting their 15 minutes in bathing is a big deal for them. So the purpose of quoting the story of Himba tribe here is, don’t just celebrate ‘NO BATH’ day for saving water but also utilize 15-20 minutes of your day thinking about the most productive things around you. Let us take a pledge to celebrate this event and also motivate others to do so as this time there is no shame in doing so at least for a day. PROUDLY announce you are a part of NO BATH DAY. “A stitch in a time saves nine” Don’t do it for others DO it for yourself. Thankyou !! #NoBathDay #Yuvaan #YouthForBetterIndia
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:06:56 +0000

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