{PMS CRAVINGS....They are no joke and should be taken - TopicsExpress


{PMS CRAVINGS....They are no joke and should be taken seriously!} This is a topic we can talk about all day every day! Here are some things as women (men bare with me here) we need to consider. 1) When you are in your Follicular stage of our menstrual cycle we have estrogen on our side - we are estrogen dominant. You can think of this as a female version on testosterone (def not as strong though) We have more ability to burn fat and build muscle. We are able to handle stress better - we are less cortisol reactive. We are also more carb tolerant and less likely to get fluctuations in cravings. Estrogen also increases exercise fat oxidization. So the first two weeks of our menses is when you will feel more energy, less bloated, and less likely to be ravenous. 2)During the Luteral phase we are more progesterone dominant. In this phase it is important to be aware of the changes your body is enduring. You are less insulin sensitive and more insulin resistant - meaning you are more carb intolerant. Your body will tend to hold onto carbs (store as fat) as well as increase cravings for MORE! We also have higher ASP (acylation stimulating protein) which can also make us less fat-tolerant as well. You will often feel more sluggish, workouts are can be challenging to get through, and cravings and hunger often increase. It is important to work with your body here. One mistake we often make during the Luteral Phase, is we binge on chocolate, chips, etc and then we try to offset it in the gym. But what this can often do is send us into a vicious cycle of pushing the body so hard when it doesnt have the energy to keep up - and so you will only increase cravings and make it worse on the backend. Here are some options: >During the last two weeks leading up to your period reduce carbs - keep them only in the AM and post workout. Increase protein, veggies, and water. >Decrease exercise if you are feeling sluggish. Go for a nice walk. If you normally lift heavy, decrease weight and lift for speed instead. Listen to your body - this will help avoid those 9pm cravings for the sweet and salty! >Do more restorative walking. This will help decrease cravings and increase serotonin - your feel good neurotransmitter. >Try some MRM BCAA Reload in watermelon flavor. Containing 4 key amino acids they help with muscle energy and are known to help decrease cravings. 1 scoop to 12oz of water. Can be found on amazon. PMS cravings are REAL and should not be ignored. #cravings #PMS #MRMReloadBCAA #insideoutwellness #cravingsarenojoke #sweetandsalty
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:08:37 +0000

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