*****PRAISE REPORT*****PRAISE REPORT*****PRAISE REPORT***** Good morning, FBF!!! This is long, but so worth it! Thursday afternoon, I received an inbox message from a very dear friend asking me if I was okay because she had a dream about me on Wednesday night that woke her in tears and prompted her to pray for me. The same night, my Mama, who is an Elder in our church, said she had a dream that a demon was trying to kill me and God had her to pray for me as well. Thursday night, my husband came home from work not feeling well. Throughout the night he developed a fever that caused him to have chills and feel cold. I covered the vents, even though I was hot, to help keep him warm. His fever got up to 104 degrees, so I put him in a luke warm bath to cool him down. That helped a little. He got back in bed and I rubbed him down with my anointing oil, prayed, and sang to him. Even with that, the fever eventually jumped up to 107 degrees (within 1-1/2 to 2 hours). I didnt even know that was possible. I jumped up and got prepared to take him to the ER. While he was getting dressed, I heard the voice of God say to me NO! Pray! So, I told my hubby to sit on the bed, I got my anointing oil again, put some in my hands, placed them on his head, and prayed and told whatever it was by Gods authority to leave my husband alone. As I was praying, I could feel the temp begin to drop. After I finished praying, I checked his temperature and it was down to 100.3! He started moving better, there was no more shivering, and he said he felt better. This was at 12:56am. He got up at 3:45am to go to work. He told me, 3 hours ago, I didnt think I would be doing this; going to work today. All I can say is thank You, Jesus and, also, thank my friend and my Mama for being obedient to Gods voice. We may not realize it, but God gives us dreams and visions about others so that we can pray for each other. That helps us combat attacks before they even happen. God is SO good!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:08:40 +0000

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