#PRAYER My cousin Mark Aidam shared a post on prayer and I - TopicsExpress


#PRAYER My cousin Mark Aidam shared a post on prayer and I thought I should elaborate on this great and useful spiritual tool that many in our land have misconstrued and utilized wrongly in their lives. Now let me make this clear, I am not your famous Rock Star Evangelist with a TV network and a big name; but I know what prayer is, how it works and how to utilize it as the spiritual tool that it is meant to be because, I have needs like everyone else. Ive had trials and tribulations; and I learnt how to use this great spiritual tool successfully during my demise. I also learned quickly that not all supplications bring the desired results...Sometimes the answer is a big fat NO which brings ones life into spiritual balance. What is prayer? It is a spiritual tool that conveys the needs of its utterer into the divine halls of supplications, where those needs are processed into blessed manifestations and vivid expectations, to divinely aid the utterer, by changing their situation, when the appropriate act or actions are applied to fuel the prayer, as it substantially transfigures within the heavenly realms, before coming into realization. (Original quote) This is because being the spiritual tool that it is, prayer must be appropriately utilized to craft the structural yearnings of the utterers innermost heart, into the main objective, in order to inject divine specification into their prospective set goal, which in turn adds divine substance to the spiritual essence, before making it ripe for vivid manifestation. There is no tool that performs by itself spiritually or materially. Tools must be taken up by the hand and used with instruction, skill and commonsense. A tool that is held and appraised with accolades and empty utterings, is as useless as a tool rusting in the shed. Tools must never be leaned on, but rather be used to fashion and craft objects and structures that offer a place of shelter and refuge, as well as sustenance for those whose bodies are lean with want and cares. I will never understand people who use prayer as a crutch because to me, they are weaklings and cowards who simply seek religion as a source of escape from facing realities. Go ahead and keep praying the wrong way, and you will perish in your situation not because the devil overcame you, but because you deliberately rejected wisdom and instruction. Your Pastors will not teach you this because, your reliance on long term prayer for your particular need, is the source of their income; they profit on your lack of scriptural wisdom and get wealthier on your abject reliance on their religious claptrap doctrines that link intense suffering to Christian living yet, they refuse to live in poverty. Remember that the 21st century Evangelists are stone cold businessmen peddling the Gospel of Christ as a corporate marketing engine to sustain themselves, and have done so by transcribing the same scripture that I have rightly divided to you, in their own capitalist way for personal gain. If you want answers to your supplications, then utilize prayer as the tool it has always been in a wholesome spiritual manner, to carve out your needs with hope-filled determination and faith based hard work; and your aspirations will manifest not only for your good, but for the greater good of those around you. #Stop claiming your neighbors hard earned goods in the name of Jesus and work tirelessly for your own. Thou shalt not covert anything that belongs to thy neighbor...I dont believe in CLAIMING THINGS... IT IS UNGODLY !!!Scriptural theft....It is what I term,****W.A.S. (Wrongly Applied Spirituality) Learn more>>> Read MSE. Dzirasas Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth ****Subtitled: A Fortified and Comprehensive Guide to Effective Prayer**** See inside the book at Barnes and Noble...BN.COM ..buy it on amazon and ebay in all formats...You will not put it down. In the USA. you can go to the bookshop, read it and walk away (If you are that cheap)...You have never read anything like it. No famous World Evangelist will give you such spiritual nourishment in literary format like this ...You can only get it from a gifted writer, raised by a College/Seminary educated ordained Protestant Priest.**** #To pray without ceasing, is not to literarily run around projecting the need by religiously wailing each day without handling the spiritual tool, but rather, to never give up on your goals and ambitions no matter what stumbling blocks you encounter. The devil you keep binding, is your own lack of motivation and cowardice that keeps you from facing your fears headlong and fiercely enough to create the change that will liberate you from the bondage of retrogression, poverty, disease and self inflicted suffering. Your prayers are not working because you are physically unproductive and spiritually lame; change your scriptural formula by rightly dividing the word of truth. I may be harsh but I care...Take this bitter pill and wash it down with love from moi. Love you all...
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 07:40:47 +0000

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