: !!! ^ PROFESSION Of DEBILITATED PLANETS ^ !!! : …Alone in - TopicsExpress


: !!! ^ PROFESSION Of DEBILITATED PLANETS ^ !!! : …Alone in the middle of a nowhere. Oh I guess, its a sand dune, the field full of sands with only horizontal boundaries where I’m standing. How I ended up here? I shout once, twice, thrice.. No one answer... How could I get anybody’s answer? It’s a nowhere land and I’m lost again. . . :( (a repeated cycle of questions, triggering my unconscious mind) How do I do this? I think, it’s happening again. Is that the weird feeling in my dream again? Oh hell, But, how can I see everything so vivid? It’s probably sleep walking or something because my legs are killing me damn but this view of deserted island with rocky pebbles here over infertile soil full of sandy waves, this is all, is not new to me. I think I had come here before…….. But, How? And why can’t I move an inch? 4 times, 5 times, I shout again. No answer... I’m still in my clothes which is surprising, because I actually remember putting my nightgown on last night before I went to sleep. And it’s untouched and unscrambled. Yes! But there is a cell-phone in my pocket and its signaling 100% coverage! Whose mobile is it? Damn! ‘’Can you please put aside all your queries for a while’’-saying this to myself,i stop my restless inquisitive mind. Now all I’ll have to do is call my home with this psychopathic cellphone! ring, ring after a few more rings: Hello?-she says. (it feels good to hear her warm voice. But if I’m in my dream then how can she participate in my dream world?) . Hey mom, it’s me, Jiya. . Where are you?. (damn mom sounds so worried.. what’s going on then) . Mom, I don’t know but I’m in the middle of that place- I tell her with my shivering tone. . Oh darling, how do you do this?. (she almost breaks down in cry) . I don’t know. . I’ll get your father...We’re coming to get you baby. Just Be There. Okay?’’and her voice seems dripped into wetly tears when she hangs up the call. . Soon after that (about 2 minutes), I hear the noise of our old car coming my way. When I get in the car, I notice its 12:00 in the noon! Oh god, I need to go to dance class at 1:00! . ‘’I have packed your bag for school, sweetie. Have some meal before you leave and come back early today cause me and your dad was planning to go for some shopping for our 13th anniversary – she said while safely tightening the belt of my seat. Oh Ok mom! (look like mom already remember all the schedules) . I can remember those eyes of my mother looked so clam on that day though I saw the pale face of my dad through the rare mirror which seems worried on our way home. Even though I didnt find out what happened to me that day and how I ended up there; I still got home! ____________________________________________ SCORPiON~MOON The major psychological trait that I have noticed in scorpion moon is - ‘THIRST FOR EMOTIONAL SECURITY’ ;-) . Ok..Think of a mixed solution made of sand and water in a cubical glass. No matter how long you shake the glass to keep the mixture alive but eventually at a point of time; your hand will get tried because of gravity. And as we can’t beat the most weakest but the universal force of attraction called gravity; so gradually this mixture will thrive for achieving a saturated state. Earth gravity will pull all the sands beneath the surface of glass and water will get separated above. . . . . . . . . So…..The thing is that, Our SCORPiON~MOON lives below the line of saturated sand underneath your glass; Whereas CANCER-MOON simply floats on the water.. . If you all are thinking this example as bigger picture of our universe then you guys are going absolutly correct way. I am talking about gravitational force of Luna and as you all know MooN only can act upon Watery Surface here on earth and fail to alter the layer of Sand beneath the Oceanic waves :P . But as with all challenges, therein lies the opportunity -_- * So Lets discuss, how lunar gravity can intelligently be used to create living space for a scorpion…........... SCORPiON~MOON’s entire worldwide view is shaped by the depth of their emotions… Scorpion~MOON is kinda person who answer your question before you even ask them. Yes you’re right. They have an instinctive understanding of the inner workings of the people around them…Quality of a wonderful chess player you can say. Not to mention, the author of ‘Sherlock Holmes’; Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle had shown us how to investigate the stereo dramatic human minds and detect the secrets... Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how unacceptable, that must be the truth . SCORPiON~MOON understands you better than you understand yourself.. LoL :D ..and will make you feel comfortable after listening your truths which can be harsh/ bitter/scandalous whatever…And they do not judge you for your truth, no matter how sordid or uncomfortable it may be. They simply accept things as they are. But they will only peep an eye over your honesty. The most efficient Healers are found with this placement. . .Medical Counselor, Psychologist, Astrologer, Researcher, Psychic Reader and I have personally seen a Magician with this underground placement of moon with a nodal point. ;-) . In most conventionally statement, the professional outline of SCORPiON~MOON is itself a mystery; because; None can really know what they are experiencing and in which way their minds are acting on a certain time scale... The person itself feels that they are reborn again and again mentally. And these changes makes them stronger day by day. Then they become fearless eventually. It’s like that mysterious disappear of that little girl in that above mention story. If someone thinks that its her insanity then you are not even close to understand their mysterious mind pattern. O:)...... Like that mind blowing Psychological Thriller ‘Shutter Island’ of director Martin Scorsese; where at the beginning, its shows that Federal Marshal Teddy and his new partner Chuck travel to an Island to investigate the disappearance of a patient from mental asylum and finally it revealed to us that Teddy casting by Leonardo Di’caprio is himself in a condition called Capgras Delusion where patient acts as his surrounding is just a projection of identical looking impostors,rather real one…and Teddy is under psychotropic medication by Dr.chuck. (both having Scorpio~Moon) ;) . In whichever field they would work, their mind will always seek for digging deep; extracting the hidden layers one by one and exploring the true core of that subject. Even at some point of time their passion of exploration become so pioneering that boundaries of this world become no enough. . . And thus they can actually end up landing on MOON itself. That was the year of 1969; A man takes first steps on the Moon with his ‘DEBILITATED’ Moon :-D can you even imagine it ??? :-) That astronaut stepped onto the Moons surface, in the sea of tranquility and peace, as he put his foot down he declared: Thats one small step for man, One giant leap for mankind. Neil Armstrong ^_^
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:32:17 +0000

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