....PROTESTERS PLEASE DONT SHUT DOWN ALL HIGH WAYS IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI!!!! PLEASE DONT!!! ---- As I stated earlier, we all want justice for all mankind...Everyone should have the same opportunities as others have ---- Everyone should have the opportunity to live the American Dream----please unify your efforts to make a positive change, not cause a greater trench of hatred and animosity!!! Listen, many African Americans have experienced unfair brutality by a few bad apples, but we kept improving ourselves and gravitated to those who were willing to help us along the way..... Pastor DrElijah Hankerson has been racially profiled, only a few years ago during his lifestyle change. As many of you know, Pastor Hankerson weighed nearly 300 lbs. He got tired of the weight and decided to change his eating habits and began to exercise. The only time he had to exercise was at 2 a.m. - 3 a.m. So, one evening as he was walking around in our neighborhood an officer pulled him over, told him to show id and place his hands on the hood, Pastor Hankerson told the officer that he was a tax paying law abiding citizen and didnt appreciate the unfair treatment.....The officer got in his car and left.......Even though Pastor Hankerson was extremely offended, he didnt think that it was necessary to create a massacre....because in spite of the bad apple there were a lot of good police officers.... Beloved, I too have been racially profiled, in my industry of Information Technology....there was one IT class that I took while in college, where I was the only African American....I liked the class and the professor, but didnt understand why I ways received bad marks/grades on my assignments and test....when the answers were in notes and book....I decided to visit the professor during office hours....and this particular professor began to express her disgruntlement regarding what happened in the sixties....this person said, when you people came to our schools, everything changed, we had get under the tables, when trouble started....I was shocked and nearly in tears when this professor, judged me for her experiences with African Americans in the sixties......I didnt tell anyone until now, I didnt retaliate, I just kept doing my work peacefully, yes she kept giving me bad marks.....but my goal was to graduate!!! I refused to allow my experiences with that particular professor cause me to prejudge all professors in the Information Technology....because I had many professors who were outstanding. Even though the Industry of Information Technology is not heavily populated by African Americans that is the field that I chose to enter. Yes, the coding, DFD, ERD, DBM, SLDC were all both interesting and challenging.....As many of you know, a BS Degree in Information Systems is irrelevant without experience....there were two Caucasian who hired me as an intern to provide hands on experience....There was another Caucasian who kept encouraging me to be an Administrative Office Assistant....I told her that I was a techie....she said, you would be better as an Administrative Office Assistant...see, there were many African Americans as Administrative Office Assistants.....during this time I kept my mouth shut....and kept learning....because my goal was to obtain experience and graduate!!! I refused to allow my experience with that particular individual to cause me to prejudge all bosses in IT because I had many great bosses in the Industry of Information Technology.... So friend, I can go on and on and on....but shutting down high ways does not resolve the problem, burning down businesses will not resolve the problem, destroying other businesses will not resolve the problem.....networking with positive people who will help you along the way will resolve the problem, voting will help resolve the problem, continued training will help resolve the problem....and....for you to MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENE in your family, community, neighborhoods will help to resolve the problem!!! Realize that good prevails over bad....Stay encouraged my friend and keep moving forward to make a positive change on society!!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:37:31 +0000

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