** PSYCHIC GUESSING GAME 3 ** Upping the difficulty level on - TopicsExpress


** PSYCHIC GUESSING GAME 3 ** Upping the difficulty level on this one, you guys have done such a good job on the other two games that I feel you are in need of a little stretching! ;) This time I want you to spend some time looking at and sensing the energy of this object which has some sentimental meaning to it. It is a Bible which belonged to a relative of mine which now belongs to me as this relative has since passed. Remember to ask your angels and guides to show you images or information about the Bible, and to rub your third eye chakra area on your brow if you feel it needs stimulating. See whatever you can pick up. Can you sense a date, anything about the Bible itself, anything about the person it belonged to, or about the family? Do you see any images relating to the Bible or the person? Try to trust your instinct and say whatever comes to mind, whatever your gut feeling and your initial ideas are. Have confidence in yourself. The chances are you will be picking up on something, and I will answer each persons entry individually with feedback on what I understand and resonate with. Obviously you may also pick up some information which I cannot confirm, such as where or by whom the Bible was made, as I was never given these details. This does not mean you are not accurate. The winner will literally be the person who picks up the most accurate points which do relate to the Bible or its original owner. This will likely be a bit of a judgement call from me and if it is a toughie I will draft in a few of the other beautiful angels who have been helping me with this event to help me make the final decision. The winner will receive a free entry to either the Pendulum Power online workshop or the Power Animals online workshop taking place next week (usual price £2.50). Good luck and have fun doing it! Its all about learning and growth and nobody should be worried about getting it wrong - I guarantee we all pick up on the wrong vibe from time to time, even us seasoned readers! We are all human after all! Bless you all dear shining souls, Silverla. Xxx.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:03:09 +0000

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