[Part 1]Joseon Gunman Episode 13 Recap Yoon-kang breaks and - TopicsExpress


[Part 1]Joseon Gunman Episode 13 Recap Yoon-kang breaks and goes after Soo- in, and they sob in each other’s arms. He says, “I’m sorry—it was a lie, all of it. I missed you. I missed you so much I couldn’t bear it.” And then he finally takes a decisive stand, saying, “Don’t go. I won’t let you go. Stay with me—only with me.” Soo-in nods, and then he kisses her. Ah, it’s a nice way to begin an episode. Now that Choi Won-shin has essentially bought back Minister Kim’s position, the minister is pleased to be out of exile and also impressed with Choi’s maneuverings. Looks like this new alliance is well on its way to forming. Hye-won is pleased to receive the message that Hanjo would like to see her. But when her father asks about it, she hides her reaction and excuses herself, still chilly towards him after having discovered his secret life as an assassin. Yoon-kang walks Soo-in back home and promises that it’ll all be over soon—and when it is, he’ll be able to stand before her openly as Yoon-kang, not Hanjo. She asks him to stay safe, and he promises. Time for another transformation, and he dons his gunman gear to head out that night to Choi Won-shin’s home. Ah, he must have requested a meeting with Hye-won to draw her away, because he waits until she leaves before making his move. Sang-chu provides the distraction by shooting a gun from a rooftop, and when the guards head off in his direction, Yoon-kang slips inside to confront Choi Won-shin at gunpoint. But assassin Sung-gil is ready with his own weapon, and forces Yoon-kang to toss his away. Choi tells Yoon-kang that he was always too rash, rushing headlong into traps: “That is your limitation as a gunman.” Sadly, he’s right about that. So now Choi picks up his old rifle, telling Yoon-kang that he killed his father with it: “I’ll end you with it too.” As he takes aim, Yoon-kang takes stock of the situation quickly, then acts before Choi has a chance to fire. Yes, Yoon-kang is totally rash when he’s planning his missions, but at least he’s fast-thinking once things go awry. Yoon-kang knocks Sung-gil’s gun away and tussles with him hand-to-hand, then runs off. They engage once more in the courtyard, which ends with Yoon-kang shooting him (nonfatally) before escaping again, at which point Choi Won-shin takes over the pursuit. Yoon-kang literally lands on top of him from above and sends him reeling from a blow to the head. Yoon-kang looms over him and trains his gun on Choi, at which point he reveals his face, demanding an apology for his father. Choi says he hadn’t wanted to kill his father, but had no choice: “I lived as their slave my entire life.” He even tells him of his daughter being raped and beaten, and how he had to do it for her. This is, unsurprisingly, not persuasive to Yoon-kang, who says scathingly that these are excuses and that Choi acted for his own ambitions. He charges Choi with all that he’s inflicted on his family—killing his father, selling off Yeon-ha, and leaving Yoon-kang to live inside a hell, from which he lived only for this moment. “This is the end of you,” he growls. Choi closes his eyes and awaits the shot. And then, Hye-won’s voice cries out and she rushes in to shield her father. When he warns that he’ll shoot her too, she challenges him to do it—to kill her father, he can kill her first. She says that it was all for her, and that her life was enabled by her father’s gun, and therefore Hye-won is also guilty in the wrongs committed against Yoon-kang. “Shoot me,” she says. “I will pay the price of my crime.” He struggles with this, but musters his resolve and agrees to do it, if that’s what she wishes. He readies the shot, and now Choi shoves himself in front of his daughter, begging for her life. He squeezes his eyes shut and holds Hye-won close as they await their punishment, and Yoon-kang nearly blows a fuse wrestling with himself. He can’t do it. He ties Choi Won-shin up and orders him to turn himself in to the authorities and confess his crimes, and then he’ll die. source: dramabeans
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 05:34:20 +0000

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