[Part 2] Joseon Gunman Episode 14 Recap Choi Won-shin returns - TopicsExpress


[Part 2] Joseon Gunman Episode 14 Recap Choi Won-shin returns home to find Hye-won leaving it with packed bag. She may have perjured herself to save his life, but she still doesn’t condone his choices and tells him not to come looking for her. She plans to continue working in trade, but says that she’ll do it all on her own strength and prove to her father that his choice was wrong. Finally, word arrives of Yoon-kang’s escape. The king puts on a pretty good show of outrage to his court, demanding the criminal caught while his ministers promise to investigate. It’s suspicious, though, and at another Suhogye meeting, our baddies speculate that the king must be involved in Yoon-kang’s breakout. After all, it’s too daring and difficult a deed to pull off without the king’s aid, and the members clamor for Lord Kim to strike now and topple Gojong from the throne. Lord Kim states that they still have to bide their time, as the best way to implicate the king is to capture Yoon-kang first, and wring a confession from him. Je-mi tries to turn away a visitor by saying that the master of the house has recently passed away, only to have the visitor muse, “Hm, he’s not one to die so easily.” Ah, it’s the reappearance of Yoon-kang’s lifesaver, Kaehwa scholar Kim Ok-kyun, who just says, “If he happens to come back alive, tell him that a good friend from Japan was by.” Kim Ok-kyun turns to see a figure darting by into one of the buildings, and follows quietly into a room—where he finds Yoon-kang’s elbow pressed into his throat. Yoon-kang registers his teacher’s face in shock, and Kim coughs at the warm welcome. Kim Ok-kyun has heard of the murdered ministers and takes Yoon-kang to task for stooping to the level of the evildoers. That isn’t why Yoon-kang suffered so much to return, he says, and reminds him of his teachings. Killing people with his gun doesn’t stop the bad guys, because more will just spring up in their place. “If the world does not change, everything returns to their places,” Kim says. “I gave you the gun so that you could make things change.” Yoon-kang understands his point, but is still hell-bent on proceeding his way, now embittered by his dead hopes. He returns to his lair to retrieve his gun, though he does pause to remember his teacher’s words. A commotion up above has him stopping short: Choi Won-shin has arrived to search the premises for the escaped criminal. As he gives his men the order to leave no stone unturned, Kanemaru bellows at them to stop, then informs them that this company is now his purview. He asks them to leave, adding the threat, “If you want to maintain a relationship with Yamamoto.” He says in Korean, “From here on, I am Yamamoto, and I am Hanjo.” Woohoo! Choi retreats, and Kanemaru sends the others off as well. So he’s the only one in the room when the wardrobe pops open, revealing the secret passage behind it, and out steps Yoon-kang, who’s impressed with how he handled things. Kanemaru looks startled, though he takes it in stride as Yoon-kang shows him into the secret room. Yoon-kang apologizes for keeping it a secret from him, and Kanemaru admits it’s a little saddening not to have been entrusted with it. Yoon-kang replies that he merely wanted to keep Kanemaru out of harm’s way, and asks him to look after the company, and also Sang-chu and Je-mi. Kanemaru promises, and adds, “The debt I owe you from Kyoto… I have to repay it.” Choi decides that he’ll have to track down Yeon-ha, who is currently staying with Soo-in but decides to return to the temple instead. While her brother is a fugitive, her presence here could endanger Soo-in’s family, and she insists despite Soo-in’s protests. And so, the ladies head out to return her to the mountain temple, only Choi’s already got a man watching them. Sung-gil intercepts them on the road and easily overpowers Soo-in, grabbing Yeon-ha. But out of nowhere, a shot fires and hits him in the arm, taking him down. Yoon-kang! He holds Sung-gil at gunpoint and unmasks his face to confirm that he’s Choi’s man, then orders him to take a message back: Yoon-kang will be coming for him, so sit and wait. Choi Won-shin… does not take this news well. Yoon-kang tells Soo-in of the king’s role in his escape, and how he declined to join him—this is a fight he must end himself, he says. But Soo-in counters that taking matters into his own hands won’t help Yeon-ha, and she urges him to agree to the king’s request. Jung-hoon meets Yoon-kang in secret at his hideout and confirms that this is the work of Lord Kim and his Suhogye society. He warns Yoon-kang not to go charging in after Lord Kim, who has beefed up security. But Yoon-kang has other plans—to take out Choi first. Kim Ok-kyun pays his respects to the king, and congratulates him on having accomplished much in the years he was in Japan. But Gojong sighs with resignation, calling himself laughable for having done little to achieve actual enlightenment or progress. It’s self-pitying, but also self-aware. Kim Ok-kyun meets with Ho-kyung to be filled in on the projects in progress, such as their plans to build up a modern army. Kim decides he’ll put Ho-kyung in command of troops, saying that he’ll be useful for the future. Hm, does he have specific plans in mind? Lord Kim visits Gojong under the pretense of concern, saying that the king must be greatly disturbed with the criminal on the loose. He urges the king to find him before Yoon-kang throws the country into chaos, and they dance around the implication that the king helped the criminal: The king says that he has no idea who’s to blame, and Lord Kim says that the first person to catch him will find out the truth. It’s a warning, informing the king that Lord Kim is on the hunt. That afternoon, Yoon-kang scopes out the scene at Choi Won-shin’s house, and gets recognized by an officer. He shouts after him, and Yoon-kang runs. source: dramabeans
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:47:22 +0000

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