Pattie Petrala shared Steve Hackmans video. 1 hr · VOTES do - TopicsExpress


Pattie Petrala shared Steve Hackmans video. 1 hr · VOTES do count - Scotland showed how much; Hong Kong shows us now their fight for votes. SADLY in Vancouver cars were burned, stores looted, and fights were everywhere because they lost the STANLEY CUP! WELL - If they lost their VOTE, they probably wouldnt even turn off their phones! compare with . . . Stuff I learned, for those who care about one of the largest DEMOCRACY protest movements ever happened in Hong Kong (as of EST 11:47pm, 9/28/14): 1. Monday morning - thousands of Hong Kong students from Secondary Schools and Universities are walking out of classes. They sit in an open area of their schools. Some holding banners with slogans. 2. Many companies are sanctioning their workers to go on strike. 3. Protesters are still blocking Central, Admirlty, Causeway Bay, and Mongkoks traffic arteries. 4. MTR has not made stops at Admiralty since last night. GOOD stuff: 5. An old man was seen distributing the latest issues of Apple Daily, HKs largest pro-democracy newspaper to protesters who slept on the streets last night. 6. Someone ordered cases of bananas for protesters. 7. Protesters are cleaning up the streets and moving objects for blockages back so janitors would have an easier job. 8. Not one shop was looted, no cars upturned, nothing was burned by the protesters. .....gonna keep adding to this list as needed.... Update #2 Roz Allardice This will not, CANNOT, end well! I am deeply afraid now for my Hong Kong friends. Let me tell you why. This is now a no-win situation. On one hand we have the Hong Kong people, peaceful, loving their City (at times I wonder why, but we all love our homeland. Despite seeing its negatives!) They are articulate, peace-loving and deeply value the gains this City has made over the last 170 years. After the Handover, Beijing promised them the right to vote for their own Executive by 2017. This has kept the fire burning in the HK hearts! They feared the changes the Handover would bring, many left, others held on to the hope that life would continue as before, get better and that Beijing would honour the promise to allow them freedom to vote, as part of the Handover promise. This has kept HK people willing to strive on, despite economic hardship for the common people, despite having the most Dickhead incompetent leaders imaginable. Despite property prices soaring, despite greed from the privileged and the protected swamping the average person at every opportunity. HK dreamt of this promise: In 2017 you can elect your own Chief Executive. Now, Beijing has realised…Hey, 2017 is fast approaching Ooops. We are in trouble here. We made a promise we cannot afford to keep! And they have reneged. OK Hong Kong…you can elect your own Chief Executive. No worries. Just make sure he comes from the pool of Beijing-approved potentials”. But that doesn’t mean full and open franchise to the Hong Kong people. They aren’t stupid! They know they will continue to get a Beijing puppet! As they have got now! This is totally unacceptable to people who were promised so much more. And so they protest! They will NOT MOVE until they have Beijing’s assurances to let them choose their own Govt leader irrespective of whether the Central Govt approves of the candidate or not!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 05:56:48 +0000

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