"People are losing faith in regulatory democracy, as well they - TopicsExpress


"People are losing faith in regulatory democracy, as well they should. The freedom movement in the United States is huge and every move the authorities make now to repress the Internet and re-emphasize dominant social themes is met with an equal pushback from the other side. The 21st century is not the 20th. Western citizens generally are economically and socially libertarian. The false schism of Left and Right or Democratic and Republican is increasingly in danger of being discarded entirely. Just as we predicted, people like Rand and Ron Paul have emerged as some of the most influential politicians in the Western world. In England, UKIP is now coming on as a free-market oriented party. Soon France and the rest of Europe will follow. It is ineluctable. When given the choice between freedom and servitude, people will choose freedom. The myth perpetrated by the powers that be that people will always choose security over self-determination is based on the idea that people don’t understand the choice, or believe they have none. But they do. The Tea Party, partially co-opted by the Republican establishment, was not an aberration. The current dysfunction of the federal government is not an aberration. The revulsion of British and US citizens to war, recently illustrated as it has been, is not a coincidence. People speak of low information voters but many are using modern information technology to radically expand their knowledge base. The Internet Reformation has just begun. The banking elites are helpless against it. They can try to shut it down, arrest people who increasingly question the current paradigm, utilize false economic arguments to prop up statist arguments regarding “public banking” but ultimately it’s not going work. Those who understand what is going on – and the editorial we’re analyzing gets it fundamentally wrong – will apply their comprehension to every facet of their business, family and investment lives. The elites have worn their rope down to a nubbin. There will be one more “last gasp” – a final stock market party that will make some very wealthy indeed. And then gold will pop once again and the West will sink into the icy grasp of a further depression. These people want more and more globalized facilities: a global central bank, global money and a fully globalized political system. They are counting on chaos and war to deliver a supine public into their grasp. They will continue to pound away at their increasingly dysfunctional dominant social themes, trying to frighten people in to giving up power and authority to international facilities. But they won’t get it. The Internet was not deliberate. It was a mistake that combined a military-industrial facility developed by DARPA with the unexpected creation of Apple’s personal computer and floppy disk. The result was an explosive technology that expanded via Friedrich Hayek’s “spontaneous order.” The Internet is the best and biggest argument for the prosperity inherent in anarchy that there ever was. Government didn’t create this magnificent digital enterprise, the private sector did. And government is not likely going to be able to shut it down, either. Technological advances like the Internet are very hard to control. It took the elites of the Middle Ages centuries to undo the damage to their authority caused by the Gutenberg press. There is no reason to believe that they can control the ramifications of the ‘Net in a decade." - See more at: thedailybell/news-analysis/34650/Reuters-to-US-Economy-Our-Heart-Will-Go-On/#sthash.j25JKcAb.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 02:15:00 +0000

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