People need to wake up. You arent helping Palestine with your - TopicsExpress


People need to wake up. You arent helping Palestine with your protests, boycotts, dead-body picture posting, and FB activism. You certainly arent helping them with the ruler bashing and scholar bashing Ive been seeing around lately. Help comes from Allah. People are tested with that which their own hands have earned. So everyone is turning around in circles, point fingers and blame (of course never at the people who should actually be blamed) and the ummah and especially the Palestinans are never encouraged to rectify their affairs or make tasfiyah and tarbiyah and go about things in the RIGHT way, not in the way theyre done these days. Allah will not change the situation until we change ourselves and all this stuff does is put the focus away from that and on stupid dunya things that wont make a difference. Honestly, Im skeptical even about these boycott lists. I know one that is often quoted is from a shii website (and you know, my father always used to say the shia (like in Iran) always put the focus on Israel and act like theyre the enemy that everyone needs to watch for, meanwhile, theyll come from the back and destroy us because were so focused looking there and he was right, subhanaallah, when they offer aid everyone takes it as they with the same mouth criticize the other rulers, meanwhile theyre sending people to assasinate (they were intercepted) the King of Saudi and ambassador to there and such and no one ever notices that). I dont understand why it is that the biggest and most consistent boycotts are on the companies that will most harm the Muslim employees... Firstly, half these companies are not staunch supporters lol. Can we quit with the dramatics and emotionally charged language, please? Many of the companies on the list are questionable at best and many people boycott because they have a well-known Zionist employee or shareholder which is a bit ridiculous. I doubt people are checking every companys employee roster and list of shareholders to see if they have a zionist on their pay roll. The companies that actively send a portion of their profits to Israel (like Aldi) or almost never on the boycott list. But let us take a look at a few examples on the list shall we? 2 of the most consistently boycotted: Starbucks and Coca-Cola, plus Tescos which some of the BDS people consider a success: Starbucks: - does not donate their profits to Israel or Zionism - actually came out and released a statement distancing themselves from poltical donations or sending money to Israel - Has a ceo/shareholder who is said to be a Zionist (Howard Schultz) - Schultz, a billionaire, uses his own personal income/salary, which comes from a multitude of companies, shares, and stocks and sends an amount of his money to Israel. - Starbucks has NO locations in Israel. Starbucks IS located all over the Middle East and is a considerable part of ME economy. - Based on the above, assuming you actually made a dent with your boycott, long before youd hit Schultz, youd jeopardize the jobs of the Muslims working at their locations all throughout the Middle East. Coca-Cola: - said to support Israel or have a Zionist head though I have not actually seen definitive proof - Was previously accused of being anti-semitic and anti-Israel because they avoided Israels market for a long time in order to focus on the ME - Has one of their major bottling factories in the West Bank (Ramallah). - Said factory is the THIRD LARGEST employer of Palestinians - Assuming you made a dent with your boycott, who is going to feel it first there? Tescos: - Had 2 factories in the area, one in Tel Aviv, one in the West Bank. - As a result of boycotts and protests, they agreed to close down their Tel Aviv factory and leave the West Bank one. - Do you think Jewish/Israeli people work in a Tescos factory in Tel Aviv? Nope. They have money and dont work crappy menial jobs like that. Congrats, you guys closed down a factory staffed by Palestinians. Im sure theyll thank you for narrowing down their already slim employment pickings and Im sure their wives and kids will thank you when their husband explains why he can no longer put food on the table! From a sister who happens to have Palestinian relatives..
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 10:06:56 +0000

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