[Photo: Volunteers lining up to join self-defense forces to defend - TopicsExpress


[Photo: Volunteers lining up to join self-defense forces to defend Crimeas national minorities from the chauvinistic central government. Credit: RT] Crimea is Russia! U.S. and EU Imperialist Hands Off! On March 16th Crimea will be voting on whether they are to become a republic with more sovereignty within Ukraine or become part of Russia. Besides defending Crimeas Russians, the referendum guarantees the language rights also of Crimeas Tatar minority. Historically, Crimea was part of Russia, but it was wrongly given to Ukraine under Khrushchev in 1957. In Crimea, 97% of the people use Russian in their everyday life. Nearly 60% are ethnic Russian and about 13% are Tatar. The language rights of all national minorities in Ukraine were taken away February 23rd by the U.S. backed central government one day after it took power in a far right and anti-democratic coup. In Crimea, this included both the Tatars and Russians, elsewhere the Hungarian. Moldavian, and Romanian minorities as well. That coup government is made up of a closely knit coalition of three capitalist parties, one of which is the neo-Nazi party Svoboda. For neo-Nazi Svoboda leader, Oleg Tyagnibok, taking away the language rights of the Russian minority is just the beginning. He recently spoke before supporters in Kiev calling for criminal penalties for speaking in the Russian language. In addition, he called for stripping all ethnic Russians of their Ukrainian citizenship, forcing them to become non-citizens in their own land. In 2010 the official Svoboda internet website included in its program their desire to physically liquidate all Russian-speaking intellectuals and all Ukrainophobes (Fast, without a trial, shot. Registering Ukrainophobes can be done here by any member of Svoboda). The central government has also imposed the current deputy head of South Eastern Ukraine, Boris Filatov. Of Nazi collaborator and Nazi mass murderer Stepan Bandera, Filatov states, “I am proud of Bandera. He is my Hero. Particularly, as I see that people are ready to die under red-and-black flags.” Filatov has also stated his recipe for the solution to the anti-fascist uprisings in the region saying, “Give the scum promises, guarantees and then hang them.” When questioned on this later he explained it was just something he said on social media and not an official statement. South Eastern Ukraine has a large Russian speaking population. In Crimea, the population rose up, took control of the of the government. Then local self-defense militias combined with alleged Russian troops were able to seize control of Crimea from the central government with the support of the local population. Their support was so widespread that these operations were carried out without spilling any blood. The Crimean population will now vote on becoming part of Russia on March 16th, despite this right being opposed by the U.S., EU, and the coup government in Kiev. Obama, the EU, and the Kiev government blame Moscow for the anti-fascist uprisings in South Eastern Ukraine, especially Crimea. Reality, however, is far different. People in the region are begging for help from Russia to defend them from the far right chauvinistic government that has seized power in Kiev. Obama speaks of Ukraines right to self-determination after the U.S. has overthrown the elected central government in an anti-democratic coup. They overthrew that government because it would not accept the austerity being dictated by the IMF and EU. Likewise, Obama does not recognize the Crimean peoples right to self-determination in voting on the status of their republic on March 16th because Obama knows that referendum will reject the imperialist puppets he has imposed on Kiev. As the alternative to accepting the anti-fascist uprising in Crimea, Obama supports the deputy head of South Eastern Ukraine as appointed by the illegitimate government in Kiev. This is an appointee who loves Nazi mass murderer Stepan Bandera and whose program for the region is, “Give the scum promises, guarantees and then hang them.” U.S., EU, and IMF Out of Ukraine and Crimea! For more on what is going on, check out my articles: US & EU Imperialist Hands Off Crimea, Ukraine, Belarus, & Russia! boston.indymedia.org/newswire/display/219851/index.php Belarus: President Lukashenko Vows to Prevent a Coup Similar to Ukraine boston.indymedia.org/newswire/display/219864/index.php
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:30:35 +0000

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