* * * Please CHECK First the LaBeLs of “HALAL” Before You - TopicsExpress


* * * Please CHECK First the LaBeLs of “HALAL” Before You EAT, DRINK and/or BUY anyThing… (1Corinthians 10:18-23, 1Corinthians 11:28-32) . . . Actually, if you TRY to ANALYZE the Scriptures, there are CREDIBLE Proofs that “HALAL” is “SaTaN” the “LUCIFER” Subject of Isaiah 14:12-15 (i.e. “AnBeeYAH” Isa. 14:12) … (1). LUCIFER is the name of SATAN, as is agreed by Bible scholars (Isa. 14:12). LUCIFER (Hebrew: heylel (OT:1966)), means brightness; morning STAR. From “HALAL” (Strong’s HEBREW Lexicon OT:1984), to “SHINE”. . . . (2). SaTaN is the only one in Scripture referred to as having actually FALLEN from heaven (“AnBeeYAH” Isa. 14:12, Luke 10:18), and the only personal ruler that is yet to be CAST OUT of heaven with fallen angels (Revelation 12:7-12). This identifies him as LUCIFER of this passage. . . . (3). SaTaN is the only person other than CHRIST and angels who is called a morning STAR ((“AnBeeYAH” Isa. 14:12). Angels are so-called in Job 38:7, and CHRIST is called the BRIGHT and MORNING star in Revelation 22:16, so whoever LUCIFER is he could not be a mere man but a heavenly being. . . . (4). LUCIFER actually ascended to heaven in an effort to exalt his throne above the stars of God and become like the Most High. This no earthly man could do, for he would have no access to heaven apart from God (“AnBeeYAH”Isa. 14:13-14). . . . (5). This whole passage has no literal meaning if interpreted in connection with a man, but in the light of other plain passages about the FALL of SaTaN it clearly refers to him (“AnBeeYAH”Isa.14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:11-17, “InJeeL” Matthew 25:41, Luke 10:18, Ephesians 6:10-18, Revelation 12:7-12). . . . (6). This is another example of the LAW of DOUBLE reference — two persons, one natural and the other supernatural — being involved in the same passage, as when CHRIST said to Peter, Get thee behind Me, SaTaN (Matthew 16:23), and the Lord said, I will put enmity between thee and the woman (“ToRaH” Genesis 3:15). In this chapter we have the earthly king of Babylon addressed (Isa. 14:4-11,16-20) and the invisible king of Babylon also referred to in Isaiah 14:12-15. See The Law of Double Reference. * * * The Law of Double Reference * (“ToRaH” Genesis 3:15)* * * . . . Here we have the first occurrence of the “LAW of DOUBLE” reference (cp. “AnBeeYAH” Isa. 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:11-17; “InJeeL” Matthew 16:22-23, Mark 5:7-16, Luke 4:33-35,41). In these and many other passages a visible creature is addressed, but certain statements also refer to an invisible person using the visible creature as a tool. . . . Thus, two persons are involved in the same passage. The principle of interpretation in such passages is to associate only such statements with each individual as could refer to him. The statements of Genesis 3:14 could apply only to the SERPENT and not to SaTaN. The first part of Genesis 3:15 could apply to both the SEED of the SERPENT and SaTaN. . . . The last part of Genesis 3:15 could only refer to SaTaN and CHRIST. A simple example of this LAW is the case of Christ addressing Peter as SaTaN. When Peter declared that he would never permit anyone to crucify his Lord on the cross, Christ rebuked him saying, Get thee behind Me, SaTaN (“InJeeL” Matthew 16:22-23). . . . Both SaTaN and Peter were addressed in the same statement, and both were involved in the rebuke. Peter, for the moment, was unknowingly being used as a TOOL of SaTaN in an effort to keep Christ from going to the cross. SaTaN was the primary one addressed, and so it is in Genesis 3:15. . . . A literal SERPENT is addressed, but the primary reference is to SaTaN. We have other examples in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:11-17 where the kings of Babylon and Tyre are addressed, but the statements mainly APPLY to SaTaN — the invisible king of Babylon and Tyre. There are some statements in these passages which could not possibly refer to an earthly man. (Dake Annotated Reference Bible © 2007 by Dake Publishing) .* * * Cross REFE: . . (“AnBeeYAH” Ezekiel 28:11-17, Job 38:7, Isa. 14:6-9, “ToRaH” Genesis 3:1-4, “InJeeL” John 8:44, John 12:31, Luke 10:18, Jude 6, Matthew 4:1-11, Mt. 13:19, ACTS 10:38, Revelation 12:1-9-12, Rev. 17:4-5, , Rev. 20:2, 2Thess. 2:4-8-12, 1John 1:8, 1John 3:8, 1John 5:19, Ephesians 6:10-12-18, “DEATH CULT” (Hebrews 2:14, John 10:10a) “ZaBooR” Psalm 23:4) . . . *JESUS GOD*… is GREAT !!! Be the PoWeR, MaJesTy, PrAiSe & GLoRy FoReVeRmoRE !!! (“InJeeL” Acts 2:32, John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13, Mark 12:30-31, Hebrews 13:8, 1john 5:7, 2Tim. 1:7, “AnBeeYAH” Jeremiah 29:11, IsA. 26:1-4, 41:10, 54:17, “ToRaH” Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 8:18, “ZaBooR” Psalm 103:1-5, 91:1-16, PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, PHILIPPIANES 4:19, 2:5-11, 3John2, Revelation 7:11-12 AMP) *. . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * *** Could this BE the UNFOLDING of BiBLicaL “PROPHECY” stated in REVELATION 13:11-18 ?!? ... . . . It’s REALLY very, very SAD to KNOW that Australian FOODs, DRINKS, SERVICES, and Etcetera., nowadays are SEGREGATED (i.e. DiscriMinated) due to IsLamic HALAL.... why OH Why the World BOWED to it…?!? . . . Is this “ReLigious” IsLamic “HALAL” Certification ALLOWED under the Australian CONSTITUTION ?!? . . . Isn’t it a form of “IsLamic” TaXation according to QURAN Surah at-Taubah 9:29 (i.e. Paying “JizyaH” Sharia TAX with SubJugation and HumiLiation effect… (i.e. “Dhimmis”)?!? * * * HALAL Meat FOODs: TheoLogicaLLy, What is the CHRISTIAN Position?!? . . . Jasmine Judah Adogbo (APOLOGIST) wrote: ~~~ I dont EAT Ramadan or HALAL food… it is FOOD things SACRIFICED to IDOLS.~~~ . . . Acts 21: 25 As for the Gentile believers, we have written to them our decision that they should ABSTAIN from FOOD things SACRIFICED to IDOLS, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals. . . . HOW HALAL MEAT IS PROCESSED Apart from making sure that the animal (or bird) has no blemishes and the knife is sharp, the animal is laid down facing Mecca. Then the “Bismillah-e-Allah-u-akbar”, which means, literally, “In the name of allah, allah is greater”. And thats when a sharp cut in the animals throat is made (without severing it completely) and the blood drained. . . . By STEPHEN GREEN. First published in Christian Voice October 2010 SEE: ***youtube/watch?v=uMdgIk0UKG8… . . . (1). But I say, that the THINGS which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to DEVILS, and NOT to GOD: and I would NOT that ye should have FELLOWSHIP with DEVILS. Ye cannot drink the CUP of the LORD, and the CUP of DEVILS: ye cannot be partakers of the LORD’s table, and of the TABLE of DEVILS. (1 Corinthians 10:20-21 KJV) . . . For meat to be ‘HALAL’, the animal must be alive, intact and its heart beating, the slaughtering must be done in the presence of a Muslim, and a declaration, a ‘Shahada’, must be said over the meat at the point of slaughter. . . . SHAHADA (or shahadah) is an Arabic word meaning ‘a declaration’. The most commonly encountered shahada is the one said to become a Muslim: ‘There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet’, with which we profoundly disagree! The shahada said at the point of slaughter is: ‘In the name of Allah, who is the greatest’. The Halal Food Authority say the shahada must be said over each animal, so no tape recorders are allowed. Each animal must be cut individually, so no rotating blades may be used to kill poultry, which is a common practice on non-halal production lines. . . . (2). IF ANIMAL IS ELECTRO-STUNNED AND SHAHADA IS SAID, MEAT IS HALAL So far as the method of stunning is concerned, the traditional UK method of captive-bolt stunning is prohibited for halal and is falling into disuse for ovines (sheep and goats) in any case. This is because the bolt enters the animal’s brain, not only rendering it unconscious but leading to death anyway if the throat were not cut immediately. The modern method of stunning is by dipping the heads of poultry in an electrified bath and by an electric stun around the head for sheep and goats. This method has been accepted as humane by animal welfare organisations, so the issue on halal slaughtering has now become not whether it is humane as practised in Britain and New Zealand , but whether ritually-slaughtered halal meat may be passed off as non-halal in its labelling. It is more complicated in the case of cattle. Electric shock stunning is not at the moment able to stun only. Therefore no halal cattle are stunned before slaughter. It is important to note that animals slaughtered by British methods and halal approved methods are both ‘bled out’. They both die from loss of blood, and the heart keeps pumping up to the point of death. One difference is that no animal could survive captive bolt stunning, even if it were not ‘stuck’ with a knife, but an electro-stunned animal could be up and walking afterwards, if its throat had not been cut in the meantime. But the other key difference is that a Muslim slaughterman must say the Shahada at the point of slaughter. This means that every halal-slaughtered steer, sheep, goat or chicken has been dedicated – or sacrificed – to Allah, the god of the Muslims. We saw earlier that the slaughterman says ‘In the name of Allah, who is the greatest’. The word ‘Akbarh’, translated ‘greatest’ can also mean ‘greater’. The differentiation between comparative and superlative is not so strong in Arabic. What Mohammed meant by this expression was that Allah (a word which means ‘the god’) was greater than all the other idols worshipped as he was growing up in Mecca. . . . (3). ALLAH IS PLAINLY AN IDOL Mohammed’s father was called Abdullah, which means ‘slave of Allah’. The worship of Allah was well-established long before Mohammed was born in 570 AD. Modern scholars identify Allah with Sin (as in Sinai), the god of the moon, a position reinforced by the crescent moon atop every mosque. All Mohammed said was that Allah alone was to be worshipped of all the idols in Mecca . Even today, Allah’s idol in Mecca is a black stone, held sacred by Muslims. Our publication Understanding Islam explains further about the origins of Islam. . . . Christians need to understand that Allah is not just another word for ‘God’ (Allah means ‘the god’, not ‘God’) and that Allah, by denying in the Koran that he ever had a son, by denying the crucifixion of our Lord, the saving power of Jesus, and the words of Isaiah that Christ bore our sins, puts clear water between the Koran and the Bible and between himself and the God who became incarnate in his only begotten son and suffered for our sakes upon the cross. Allah is an idol, and meat dedicated to him is meat sacrificed to an idol. Sikhs understand this very well, which is why their religion expressly forbids them from eating halal meat. It also explains why they, and anyone who desires openness and honesty in food labelling, are so disturbed that halal meat is being sold surreptitiously, and is not required to be labelled as such in the United Kingdom. . . . (4). THE IDOLS HE SHALL UTTERLY ABOLISH The injunctions against idol worship are clear in the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament: (“ToRaH” Leviticus 19:4, eXo. 20:1-7, “ZaBooR” Psalm 96:5, “AnBeeYAH” IsA. 2:18, Zechariah 13:2, “InJeeL” Acts 17:29-31). * * * (5). It is an “ACCURSED” thing to EAT and/or Consume AnYthing “HALAL” (1Corinthians 10:18-23, 1Corinthians 11:28-32, 1Corinthians 16:22, ACTs 15:20-29, 21:25, Galatians 1:6-9) because “HALAL” in Hebrew is “LUCIFER” (i.e. “SaTaN”)… (Strong’s Hebrew OT:1966 & OT:1984) (“AnBeeYAH” Isa.14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:14-19, “InJeeL” Luke 10:18, John 8:44, FirstJohn 4:4, 2Corinthians 4:4, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20:2-11-15, Revelation 21:8, “ToRaH” Deuteronomy 32:17) https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10540556_936932242985960_2628216707084041604_n.jpg?oh=810315a64ff7b28a3f3ec1bb26488387&oe=55461201&__gda__=1425952953_0175bff71450b414b6f4a7ddf1d7c2dd . . . *GREAT is *JESUS GOD* !!! Be the PoWeR, MaJesTy, PrAiSe & GLoRy FoReVeRmoRE !!! (“InJeeL” Acts 2:32, John 20:28, John 13:13, Titus 2:13, Mark 12:30-31, Hebrews 13:8, 1john 5:7, 2Tim. 1:7, “AnBeeYAH” Jeremiah 29:11, IsA. 26:1-4, 41:10, 54:17, “ToRaH” Numbers 6:23-27, Deuteronomy 8:18, “ZaBooR” Psalm 103:1-5, 91:1-16, PHILIPPIANES 4:6-7, PHILIPPIANES 4:19, 2:5-11, 3John2, Revelation 7:11-12 AMP)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:02:25 +0000

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