:: Please SHARE Many Indonesians have stated their worry - TopicsExpress


:: Please SHARE Many Indonesians have stated their worry that this election could involve violence. The Kopassus/BIN operation has quietly started deploying it on Prabowo’s side. Among those in the room at some Cijantung meetings were organizers of civilian agents whose task from Kopassus is to “ribut di bawah,” make trouble from below Some participants spoke of personally leading paid crowds that attacked and broke up pro-Jokowi or other gatherings. They have worked with private Prabowo street militias that have gotten training in Bogor. Some such units are described as “having been trained, and frequently rob/ plunder wherever” (“..sudah berlatih, [dan] sering merampok ke mana mana”). This often-used Kopassus/ BIN tactic has supplemented another standard approach: anonymous calls and text messages threatening the target or their loved ones with death, or worse. An old leaked Kopassus training manual actually refers to this formally, saying that Kopassus men must be trained “in the tactic and technique of terror.” As to carrying through on those threats, Kopassus political murder has a long history. BIN is known for its elaborate technique, like the arsenic used to kill Munir. But assassination in a national election is a sensitive matter. At one of the Cijantung meetings it was stated that if worse came to worse they might have to “take people, finish people off” (“ambil orang, habisi orang”), as General Prabowo’s Kopassus did during the ’97-’98 crisis. But today it is a different world. Covert operators must be politically sensitive. One made the comment regarding some targets, “one can wound them,” (“bisa melukai”), perhaps not kill them. opajappy/2014/07/06/indonesian-special-forces-intelligence-in-covert-operation-to-influence-election/
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:50:27 +0000

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