*Please email reachus@peterwyns,com with questions Supernatural - TopicsExpress


*Please email reachus@peterwyns,com with questions Supernatural Peace Veterans of the faith know about the peace of God that passes understanding. Still, there is a higher level of peace to be gained and much more to understand, for most believers. The only power strong enough to overcome the evil that is coming against us is the supernatural peace of God. This is very different from passivity. Biblical peace is not the absence of wars, storms or battles. We are not called to ignore trouble, run from evil or stick our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich. On the contrary, it is our task to defend the oppressed, fight against injustice and overcome evil. Supernatural peace empowers us to fight without fear. God’s peace rules in the middle of conflicts and storms. It is time to move in partnership with God. We will not succeed without supernatural peace. Three essentials are required for someone to be a kingdom of God person. They must have righteousness, peace and joy (See Romans 14:17). I call this the kingdom sandwich. Righteousness is beneath us as a sure foundation, joy is above us for everyone to see and peace is sandwiched in the middle. Righteousness requires God’s redeeming grace and our integrity. If we have both of these, then people around us will know that we have a clean spirit. Joy is the reality of God’s gladness that bubbles up and spills out of us in every arena of life. People will notice our smile and our joyful disposition. Peace is the ruler of our hearts. Supernatural peace enables us to face the darkest evil. It keeps all fears at bay and renders the wisdom and power of God for every situation. Here are a few examples where supernatural peace can be recognized. 1. As a pastor, caring for God’s people, I understand that I need tough skin, made of steel, but I must have a heart as soft as butter. Some people have been wounded so badly that they react negatively every time they experience conflict. A minister cannot afford to be offended easily, but instead, they must learn to embrace porcupines. This is possible because of supernatural peace. Do you have it? 2. Trials and tribulations are promised to every human on the planet. The Bible says, “In this world, you shall have tribulation.” 1Jn. 16:33 Failures, disappointments, unbearable burdens, and crisis will come to everyone. When the bottom falls away and the rug is pulled out from under your feet a mature disciple holds the ground of victory because they have supernatural peace. Do you have it? 3. If persecution erupts and we are rejected because of our faith, we should not lose heart. If we suffer harm or loss or are forced to face oppression or death, we can overcome the devil because of supernatural peace. In the face of death, will you have peace? No trauma brings a greater test for peace than that of facing death. If God’s peace can sustain us as we look in the face of death, it will be there for every situation in life. Some people think they have God’s peace because they have learned to cope. Many people cope with troubles by disengaging from life. They are experts at ignoring a problem so that they no longer see it or hear it. It has not gone away, but they have become indifferent. This only creates another problem. By closing their heart, a part of that person becomes numb and lifeless. They can no longer engage properly or live life to its fullest and they will never reach their potential or their destiny. That is retreating; it is escapism. Contrary to just coping, the supernatural peace that God gives leads a person to extraordinary excellence and insurmountable adventure. The Lord has come to give us life and to give it more abundantly. Stephen was the first Christian to be martyred. He had peace when he was stoned to death. We read: “All … looked intently at Stephen and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.” Acts 6:15 Some Christians do not have the face of an angel at the best of times but to look like that when your facing persecution and death is supernatural. Whether you die as a martyr or of natural causes at home in bed, you need the peace of God to face death properly. How will you face death? The peace that comes from God is supernatural. That means it involves a miracle. When Stephen was stoned he had peace because he saw a supernatural vision of Jesus standing in God’s throne room. When Elijah’s servant was fearful, a supernatural vision of angels was given and he saw that the armies of God were greater than the advancing enemy. When Paul and his companions where about to suffer a shipwreck, everyone was full of fear except Paul because an angel had visited him with a reassuring word. When many people opposed Paul in Corinth he had supernatural peace because an angel told him that God would watch over him. David faced Goliath, Daniel faced the lions, Moses faced Pharaoh and Jeremiah faced an ungodly nation when he was only a boy. Each of these saints received supernatural peace and that peace ruled their fears and enabled them to press forward. That is why they were able to do great things. The secret lies in our ability to connect with God in the moment of challenge. We need an angel, a vision, a sign, or an unmistakable word from God. That connect is supernatural. It will instantly empower us with the kind of faith that releases confidence and peace. Then we can stand in strength even when everyone else is falling. We can have a supernatural peace that keeps us from retreating or following old fears. We can press on, seize the day and do God’s will. In times of great pressure, we must pray. After giving Him thanks we should ask the Lord for angels, visions, or an unmistakable word from heaven. If one of those is given, we will have great faith and that will release supernatural peace. Seek the Lord; He will come. Ministers must do more than just cope or survive, they must be victorious overcomers. This requires supernatural peace. With the peace of God ruling in our hearts, we are able to accomplish amazing things. Ministers need great faith, so draw close to the Lord and ask Him for miracles. Keep on asking, after all, miracles are God’s idea. Ask the Lord for peace as well and He will teach you how to stand.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:23:10 +0000

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