"Please join with me in praying for the residents of Colorado who - TopicsExpress


"Please join with me in praying for the residents of Colorado who are being hit with what they are calling a 500 year flood. There are confirmed dead, many people are missing... whole towns are stranded and cut off and the rain is not over yet... Dear Lord, We join together and we lift up the people of Colorado who are suffering so. Lord, we ask in the name of Jesus that you will cause the rain to cease and the flood waters to recede. These people have dealt with so much this already...fires, droughts and now these floods. Lord, we ask for your divine intervention. We pray for all who have lost loved ones. We ask that you would comfort them as they mourn....we pray for all who have lost their homes, their employment and their belongings...Father, please give them hope and make a way for them where there seems no way to rebuild and recover from such devastating losses. We pray for all the emergency personnel and rescuers and ask that you would protect them from harm...give them energy and stamina to continue the difficult tasks before them. We pray for those who are missing and all those who are worried and waiting for news of their missing loved ones....Lord, please let there be happy news and more rescues than recoveries for these missing people. Lord, we know that you are in the midst of the suffering. You hear their cries and see their needs and we pray that you will calm fears and anxious minds and make your presence known like never before. Father, please do what only you can do in the midst of such loss and tragedy. Please, protect, comfort, lead and guide in all that lies ahead. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen."
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 13:34:26 +0000

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