~Please read this question & answer by a Catholic priest regarding - TopicsExpress


~Please read this question & answer by a Catholic priest regarding when a Catholic Mass actually ends: When does Mass end? Q. My husband and I disagree on when Mass ends, and, therefore, when it is appropriate to leave. I say that Mass is over when the priest says to the congregation, "The Mass is ended, go in peace" and the congregation responds, "Thanks be to God." My husband says that Mass is not over until the priest and ministers have left the sanctuary and the last verse of the closing hymn is finished. Who is correct? -- M.E., Greensburg, Pa. A. Here’s a reply from OSV columnist Msgr. M. Francis Mannion: Both of you are correct -- from different perspectives. When the priest has dismissed the people, then the Mass is ended. The Roman liturgy does not (apart from funerals) prescribe a closing hymn for the Mass. Thus one is not missing any part of the Mass when one leaves right after the dismissal. However, it is common practice in most parts of the world to have a concluding hymn after the dismissal rite at Mass. This being the case, it is appropriate that all wait until the hymn is complete before leaving. All should join in singing all prescribed verses of the hymn. Since I am a firm believer in closing hymns -- and a procession of the priest and ministers to the front door to greet the people -- then I think it is appropriate that the members of the congregation should wait until the final hymn is complete. The general practice of everyone rushing for the door when the final hymn is still being led by the choir or cantor gives rise to a general sense of disarray and disorder.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 21:59:28 +0000

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