(Please share) and if u can, please donate to help raise - TopicsExpress


(Please share) and if u can, please donate to help raise £555,000 for cancer treatment in USA thank you kapipal/caringforkian Here are some photos of the childrens cancer unit Christmas party we went to, was such a lovely day, was quite emotional meeting up with friends we had not seen for such a long time! Kian is not so sleepy now and is doing very well :-) Kian being well in himself does NOT mean he is fine and is clear of cancer and does NOT mean the fundraising should stop! (Had many many people asuming the fundraising isnt needed as hes now well in himself) kian acually has up and down days.. BUT the reason for fundraising is because KIAN HAS AN 80% CHANCE OF THE NEUROBLASTOMA CANCER COMING BACK and if it does its going to cost £555,000 for treatment in the USA I NEED this money in as a back up just incase he get the cancer back... Im NOT saying it has gone.. Im just hoping it has.. NOBODY KNOWS! its just a guessing game now! BUT either way HE STILL HAS AN 80%CHANCE OF RELAPSE! as his body can still create the cancer cell again if he is clear.. and if he isnt clear then even just a tiny little speckle will just grow and grow again, BUT when it grows the 2nd time its even more agressive and tends to go straight to the brain!!! If kian is one of the 20% that doesnt relapse (fingers crossed with lots of prayers) then the money raised will go to neuroblastoma research, So either way your money is going to a good cause!! PLEASE PLEASE DONATE JUST A SMALL SMALL DONATION, ANYTHING AS LITTLE A JUST 5P EVERY SINGLE PENNY HELPS!! IF KIAN RELAPSES ANYTIME SOON (I dont like saying this but I have to as its true) I WILL LOOSE HIM!! AS I DONT HAVE £555,000!!! HES SUCH A LOVING CARING HAPPY BUBBLY AND IF HE RELAPSES VERY SOON THIS WILL COME TO AN END.. I am so so worried now as doctors said if hes going to relapse then the chances are it will be soon as kians treatment is nearly finished, in fact its finished tonight!! His last dose of cancer fighting treatment is tonight!! Once its stopped theres nothing going to control the cancer if their is any inside his tiny body! And nothing to control the cells in his body to help prevent the cells creating the same cancer again! Due to all the treatments kian has been on he also has a higher risk of getting other cancers too! Thank you for your time reading this, and I hope you can help us in any way possible by donating or helping by fundraising.. if you would like to help by fundraising please email caringforkian@aol and if you would like to donate please go to kapipal/caringforkian thank you so much, love kians mum and family xxxxxxx
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 12:41:32 +0000

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