♡ Pleiadian Meditation of Love Light Peace & Serenity for your - TopicsExpress


♡ Pleiadian Meditation of Love Light Peace & Serenity for your Soul ♡ This meditation is to assist in restoring pure peacefullness within your BEing and connect you with the Earth and the Divine ♡ While in the presence of the Divine all energy can be transformed into Love and you may visualise all that you wish for and dream of and bring that energy back with you into your consciousness ♡ We hope that you enjoy this meditation and find that it brings you the gift of Serenity for your Soul ♡ It is brought to you through the Pleiadians and their unconditional love for all Humanity and the Earth ♡ Namaste ♡ ♡♡♡♡♡ Sitting or lying down in a comfortable position Setting the intention of being fully grounded now Allowing every part of your body to relax Fully centered in your BEing As you relax your breathing Taking the focus to your heart centre Your sacred heart space Of pure unconditional love See your heart centre Glowing with pink light Brighter and brighter The pink light of pure unconditional love The pure unconditional love that you are And allow this love light to expand out Filling your entire body with the light of your love Flowing into every cell of your body And this light flows out all around you Until you are completely engulfed in beautiful love light And continue allowing this love light to expand out Beyond your body Expanding this light beyond where you are Out into the entire area that you are Expand this light beyond planet earth Allowing your light to flow out into universe Beyond the spheres of planets Beyond the galaxies You are an infinite multi-dimensional being With no boundaries No limitations Your light and essence of your love Can flow anywhere So allow it to continue expanding into the stars Until in the distance you see in the distance The most beautiful crystalline white light Bigger and brighter than anything you have ever seen before And just allow your light expand out To reach this beautiful crystalline white light This is the light of the Divine Expanding your light into the divine light So just let your light become part of this sacred light And rest for a moment And just BE in this divine space In this space all infinite divine potential exits In this space all divine potential to create exists And in this space all energy may be changed Anything may be transmuted into love So let go of anything you wish to While you are in this space Let it flow out and dissolve into light and love Allowing yourself to be free Allowing yourself to be your divine potential in every way And allow your soul to be bathed in light Allowing your soul to be filled with the Abundance of all things An abundance of health, love, peace, happiness And all thing s you may wish for yourself Allowing this lightness of being to rejuvenate yourself And rejuvenate every cell in your body Allowing this peaceful energy to engulf your being As you allow yourself to be in this divine light In this space all is created through pure unconditional love So if there is something you wish to have in your life Take a moment to visualize this now Allow the energy of all this divine love light To gently flow towards you now As you gently bring back your light from this divine crystalline space Feel the love light flowing back to you Through the galaxies and dimensions of time and space Into your physical body now Knowing that you carry the energy of what ever you wished for Within you always So taking your time Just feeling fully back in your physical body Fully connected and grounded into this reality Take a moment to slowly open your eyes Feeling full of peace, full of love and light Know that you are love And that you are loved Always Namaste ♡♡♡♡♡ Through our reunification at this divine time we are so blessed and dedicated to assist in facilitating sacred light to this earth through our merged hearts of ONEness in pure Unconditional Love. It is our wish for all humanity and all living and loving BEings upon this planet to know Peace and Love in their hearts. Thank you for watching We send you our Twin Flame Blessings of Light and Love ♡ Lawrence & Elaraia ♡ ♡♡♡♡♡ youtu.be/He0JGgjdtx4
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 13:02:16 +0000

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