Pope Francis: Unemployment Wounds Human Dignity Calls For - TopicsExpress


Pope Francis: Unemployment Wounds Human Dignity Calls For Economic Solution Centered on Justice and Solidarity, not Money VATICAN CITY, March 21, 2014 (Zenit.org) - “It is necessary to reaffirm that employment is necessary for society, for families and for individuals.” These were the words of Pope Francis during an audience with steelworkers from the “Acciaierie di Terni”, along with their families. The group, which was accompanied by the bishop of their diocese, were in Rome to celebrate the 130th anniversary of their founding. During his address, the Holy Father emphasized the importance of employment as well as solidarity, especially in this time of economic crisis. The primary value of work, he told the employees and managers, “is the good of the human person, as it allows the individual to be fully realized as such, with his or her attitudes and intellectual, creative and manual capacities.” “Therefore, it follows that work has not only the economic objective of profit, but above all a purpose that regards man and his dignity. And if there is no work, this dignity is wounded! Indeed, the unemployed and underemployed risk being relegated to the margins of society, becoming victims of social exclusion.” Reiterating the address he made during his visit last year to the Sardinian capital of Cagliari, the Holy Father said the problem of unemployment is due to an economic system that has placed “the idol of money” at its center. The Pope called on those in the world of politics and the economy to seeks a solution based on “justice and solidarity” that ensures “the possibility of dignified work for all.” “Work is an asset for all, and must be available to all,” he said. “Phases of serious difficulties and unemployment must be faced with the tools of creativity and solidarity. The creativity of courageous businesspeople and craftspeople, who look to the future with trust and hope. And solidarity between all the elements of society, who all give something up, adopting a more sober lifestyle, to help those in need.” Concluding his address, Pope Francis stressed the need for the Christian community to instill faith and hope of a better future. “This is the inspiring principle in the choices of a Christian: faith. Faith moves mountains!” he exclaimed. “Christian faith is able to enrich society through the concrete element of brotherhood it embodies. Never cease to hope for a better future!” (J.A.E.) Read it online | Forward to a Friend | Comment online Go to top Pope Francis: Humility and Prayer Are Necessary to Obey Gods Word Morning Homily Calls On Faithful to Open Their Hearts to the Word of God VATICAN CITY, March 21, 2014 (Zenit.org) - Humility and prayer are the two attitudes necessary to not twist the Word of God according to our own interests and desires. This was the central theme of Pope Francis’ homily this morning at Casa Santa Marta. The Holy Father based his homily on the Gospel according to Matthew, which recalled Jesus parable’ of murderous tenants who kill their landowner’s son in order to rob his inheritance. The Pope said that the parable was directed to the Pharisees to show where “they had fallen into for not have their hearts opened to the Word of God.” “They had taken over the Word of God,” he explained. “And the Word of God had become their word, a word according to their interests, their ideology, their theology...at their service. And each one interprets it according to their will, according to their own interests. This is the drama of these people. And to preserve this, they kill. This happened to Jesus.” When the Pharisees fell into this line of interpretation of the Word of God, the Pope continued, it is difficult for the Holy Spirit to act. The Holy Spirit is essentially “trapped in the desires of each one of them.” The Holy Father warned that we can do the same when we are not obedient to the Word of God. “But there is a word that gives us hope. The Word of God is dead in the hearts of these people; it can also die in our hearts! But it doesn’t end, because it is alive in the hearts of the simple, of the humble, of the people of God,” he said. “[The Pharisees] sought to capture him, but they feared the crowd of the people of God, because they considered him a prophet. That simple crowd - that followed behind Jesus, because that which Jesus said did good in their hearts, it warmed their hearts - these people were not mistaken: they did not use the Word of God for their own interests, they felt and looked to be a bit better.” Concluding his homily, Pope Francis highlighted two essential attitudes in order to understand and obey the Word of God: humility and prayer. “[The Pharisees] people did not pray. They had no need to pray. They felt secure, they felt strong, they felt like ‘gods’,” he noted. “With humility and prayer, we go forward to listen to the Word of God and obey it. In the Church. Humility and prayer in the Church. And so, what happened to these people will not happen to us: we will not kill to defend the Word of God, that Word which we believe is the World of God, but it is a word that is totally altered by us.” (J.A.E.)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:20:38 +0000

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