[Post of Gratitude before Plunging myself into Papers - TopicsExpress


[Post of Gratitude before Plunging myself into Papers again] WUDCS ESL Champion and Best Speaker. I dont know what this means to other people, but it does mean a lot to me, so allow me to blabber a bit here. I have always been a slow learner, and have taken a lot more time to get to the place where others could get to in a much shorter time. What is more, being the poor learner that I am, I think I would never have made it thus far without the help of a lot of people. So I guess this really is the time I thank some of them (in no particular order, and by no means exhaustive): 1. Mai Mokhsein, convener of such an awesome WUDCS, and her organising committee. Could never imagine how anyone could throw off such a huge tournament with such efficiency. You are definitely the best! 2. Mr. Loke Wing Fatt, the closest person I have to a mentor and a coach in my University career. I could not even begin to describe how much have I learned from you (and how much still do I still have to learn from you). Whenever I have questions or doubt, be it about debating or not, you are always the first person I would turn to for advice. I might not be that much of a success, but a large part of the success is definitely owed to you. I have always been waiting for a chance to thank you in public, and I guess this is the time to do so. Really glad to have you as my guidance, it would not be an understatement to say that you are the most important influence in my University life. 3. And of course, my partner Benson Lam. Definitely a teammate that I can wholeheartedly trust and work with. Although I am not sure if I like how you always ridicule me and my efforts to be positive TT (me: Hey, ben, lets aim for the moon, cuz even if we miss, we could land on the stars, rite? Ben: you know that there are no stars between the earth and the moon, right? LOL) Also not sure if I enjoy your constant talk about medicine and body anatomy. And stop denying your existence and contribution!!! 4. My current team members. Thank you for rooting for us and supporting us in every single round. I know I have been whining to some of you a lot, and have sometimes been too self-obsessed to recognise what you are talking about, so thanks for bearing with me nevertheless. TT 5. Our CUHKEDT alumni. Obviously, if not for you guys there would not be me in the team. Your non-material support was crucial, and I will try my best to repay the support in a non-material manner. Among everyone, I would like to thank especially Angie Fong, who introduced me to the debate world and is my eternal EDT GODDESS, and Kenneth Cheung, for no particular reason apart from us spending too much time together. 6. To every person I have teamed up with in various tournaments, be you from CUHK or not. There is nobody who sees and understands your flaws better than the person who actually preps with you in that 15 minutes. A lot of what I have learned I have learned from you guys. Special thanks to Youngcho Lee cuz I guess you are the most ruthless partner I have ever had who never forgoes a single chance of pointing out my errors LOL 7. Also to the numerous judges who have judged me before and given me invaluable feedback, helping me recognise at times how bad I am, and at times that I am not that bad :P Special thanks to Harish Natarajan for all the comments and advices, and for dropping in Hong Kong and helping me out. I am sorry that I still did not make it to the open break. TT 7. To the entire Hong Kong debating community, for supporting us wholeheartedly. It really is something to have a community backing you up even at times when you dont really deserve it that much. Would love to see an increasingly intact community, I am sure we can do it (and heyyyyy JUDC....) 8. To my debating students. Teaching you is in itself a learning process, which has allowed me to reflect a lot more on what I truly know and dont know. Thank you for being so supportive (sometimes) in lessons even though debating may not be something you like the most. I hope one day you would like debating as much as I do :) 9. To all my friends who have been supporting me all the way through all my ups and downs. Without you guys I might have emotionally gone down already. Special shoutout to Choyi Chan for always being here listening to the worst kinds of my whining LOL 10. Lastly, thanks to one of my professors, for giving me a paper which is due tomorrow. Will go to work now. Again, this list is by no means exhaustive. I simply cannot express my gratitude enough to everyone whom I have met at some or other points of life. The Samuel you see right now is the co-construction between all of you, myself, and a bit of natural misfortune. Will stay humble, remember my roots, and work hard to repay the community. Truly, thank you everyone.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 11:36:38 +0000

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