::::::Prayer:::::::: Father G-d, I ask that you bless all those - TopicsExpress


::::::Prayer:::::::: Father G-d, I ask that you bless all those who are found here tonight seeking you. You have seen all things and know all actions of the body and of the heart. We bless your holy name tonight, giving you all the honor for our humble lives. We are not perfect, but we desire to be perfected in your grace. Forgive us where we fall short, where we make mistakes or mis-understandings turn into avalanches of emotion. Tonight, please bless my friends with heart heavy matters. Love on them, G-d. Cover their spirits with a soothing blanket of your peace, as only you can do. Ease the burden of hurt that exists, and let the truth of your love go through them and comfort them . For those who have loved ones that transitioned to heaven, bless them tonight with a love that will comfort the sense of grief and loss that is tearing at their soul. Allow us to know without doubt that you care for every tear, and that it matters when we miss those who have gone on before use. Bless those whose hearts have been hurt by betrayal and mistrust. For those who have had people in their lives that promised to love, turn away and cause pain that came from a great love that seems lost. Step in and be their friend, be their love, be their G-d. Show them how valuable and irreplaceable they are on this earth, and that EVERYONE matters. Everyone deserves to be cared for and loved. Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins. Thank you for offering yourself as a sacrifice, so that your mercy and healing could filter over the earth and restore us to you. Sometimes we have days of feeling so unworthy of such a love, but you love us despite what we could have ever done. I come into agreement with those who are being healed at this moment, for we are in a constant state of healing. No matter what lies before our eyes, or what doctors say, we come together and for complete healing and restoration of EVERYONE in Jesus name. We ask for the Holy Spirit to increase within every person in whom it lives and breathes, and for the ultimate manifestation of your HEALING right now! Your longsuffering and forgiveness is priceless. Help us to be an example of how you love us to others. Thank you for bringing people into our lives to extend love and care to us. Thank you for guarding our hearts, so that all things flow through you. Please bless my family and friends who are feeling lonely, or unwanted. I bless them tonight with a special grace, and ask that angels be released to calm the very atmosphere around their homes and work places, even as they drive in their vehicles. May peace, joy and love saturate us, Lord. Despite what takes place in the world around us, position us to be in your perfect place, your perfect will. Bless Israel and the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The ONE true G-d, faithful is He to all who love Him. He reveals truth and we honor HIM always. In the name of Yeshua Messiah, Amen I encourage you to listen the song below. Let it speak to you of how the glory of our heavenly Father is real and you can experience His love on a profound level. You dont have to be perfect...you just have to receive His love for you. I pray for you all this night and bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 07:49:39 +0000

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