**Preserve Thanksgiving** Id like to think my words have some - TopicsExpress


**Preserve Thanksgiving** Id like to think my words have some influence on some of you, however small that influence may be. So i would like for you to read the remainder of this carefully and with an open mind and heart and feel free to tell me if you think I am wrong. Over the past few years it seems Christmas is pushed harder and harder with preperations continuing to begin sooner every year. Dont get me wrong Its not that I dont love Christmas, because I turn into a 5 yr old when it gets December, its just that I feel so bad for the way Thanksgiving gets treated through it all. Every year millions scarf down Thankgiving supper/dinner, just to rush off to take midday naps, and prep themselves for what closely resembles a WWE pay per view event( Dont believe me? Snag that last 48 tv on sale for $199 from that blue haired granny and see if Bruce Lee on Meth doesnt come out in her). The respect for this once popular holiday is fleeting as time progresses. Even this afternoon once I got home from work and committed the ultimate sin of going to WalMart on a Friday night(yeah I know) I saw what was a reigning indictment of what I believe is happening. This afternoon Christmas gifts lined the aisles, Christmas music played over the speakers, decorations were available for sale, red and green and gold on displays everywhere, but what about Thanksgiving? Nothing, zero , zilch, nada , nyet, better luck next year pal. I felt bad. But Thanksgiving is still two weeks away ,we havent even celebrated it yet, why is it already an after thought before it even exists? Are we that in love with Christmas( I believe its more the practice of Christmas that we love) that we have decided to forego one of the more important holidays that we have just to allow more time to indulge ourselves with gifts? Thanksgiving naturally is a time to be thankful for what you have, spend time with family, appreciate the small things, remember where you came from, be humble, grateful, appreciative and strengthen bonds with family and friends without having to bribe them with a new toy. And somehow we see it as not being as necessary anymore. Its not the dinners that we are giving up on, but it is the nature of the holiday we are losing. Family has been and always will be most important to me outside of salvation. And to see families not enjoying this time together and instead rushing through it just to get to a shopping spree, turns my stomach to be honest. And all of that for what? $75 dollars off of a TV that we already have 2 of.... Come on guys Thanksgiving is worth more than that. Give it a day or two. Family is losing its importance while Every man for himself is growing. The cultural that we are in already believes in a what have you done for me lately mentality that always expects more from everyone. I personally believe that stems from us no longer being thankful for what we already have. Take time to honor Thanksgiving properly , with your family if you can, and dont be so quick to jump over this all important holiday. Take back Thanksgiving. Oh yeah stop putting up stinking decorations so early. Give it time.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:57:41 +0000

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