Press Release International Art Exhibit, “Emotions of the - TopicsExpress


Press Release International Art Exhibit, “Emotions of the World” Rosso Tiziano Gallery – Piacenza – Italy Next Thursday November 7th at 6 pm, the opening of the international artists’ exhibit, “Emotions of the World,” will take place at Galleria Rosso Tiziano in Piacenza, Italy, curated by Maurizio Sassena and Patricia Mazzei. This socio-cultural project has been idealized and organized by Brazilian Artist Geovana Clea, who has lived in Italy for over 10 years. “Emotions of the World” was first presented within another extremely successful project by Geovana entitled, “Arte no Castelo” (Art in the Calste), at the Douglas Scotti di Fombio Castle in Fombio, Italy. With the vision of bringing “Emotions of the World” to different countries by transforming it into a traveling exhibit, Geovana and curators Maurizio Sassena and Patricia Mazzei have selected a highly qualified group of contemporary artists to participate in future exhibitions. Since its showing at Fombio’s castle, the exhibit continues at the historic Rosso Tiziano di Piacenza gallery, property of singer Maurizio Sessena. The gallery is housed in a church built in the year 1000 A.C. which, after falling into ruins, was restored around 1993 and transformed into a gallery. The Rosso Tiziano Gallery plays an important role in presenting the fine arts in Piacenza and is among the most prestigious galleries in its region and in Italy. Twenty-one artists were carefully selected by the curators and coordinator of the event to participate in the exhibit. Geovana Clea will be among the showcased artists, including those from different countries such as Portugal, France, Colombia, Zimbabwe, Russia, Poland, Japan, Brazil, Canada and Germany. List of artists participating in the Exhibit: Relação dos Artistas: ALEXANDER KANEVSKY (Russia) GEOVANA CLEA (Brazil) KAZ ORII (Japan) WALMIR BINHOTTI (Brazil) WENCESLAUW (Brazil) MARIOLA LANDOWSKA (Poland) TAWANDA SARIRENI (Zimbabwe) CELINE PELLERIN (Canada) DANIELA MATCHAEL (Brazil) CLO BOURGARD & WILSON GALVAO (Portugal e France) JOEL NESPOLO (Brazil) CARLOS MOTA (Portugal) GABRIEL GARCIA (Portugal) CIDA CARVALHO (Brazil) NOELIA LACERDA (Brazil) HELENA MEDEIROS (Portugal) BRIGITTE VON HUMBOLDT (Germany) ESPERANZA TIELBAARD PAZMINO (Colômbia) SANDRA BILOE (Brazil) ROSE FERNANDES (Brazil) VANDO FIGUEIREDO (Brazil) Artists short biography: Alexander Kanvensky(Russia) Kanvensky is believed to have been born an artist, initiating his work at the age of 3. One of the most respected artists in the arts world, one only has to take a glance at the artist’s work trajectory to appreciate the vivacity and talent always present in the artist’s pieces. Kanvensky has won numerous awards for the perfection of his work. Internationally recognized in the contemporary arts scene, the artist will give us the honor to be a part of this exhibit. Geovana Clea (Brazil) For almost a decade, many exhibits made the art of Geovana Clea known in Italy and in the most important contemporary arts communities of the workl, such as Paris, Milan and New York. Geovana participated in the 54th Venice Bienial under curator Vittorio Sgarbi and in two opportunities was selected to participate in an exhibit coordinated since 1861 by the Louvre Museum’s Fine Arts commission at the Louvre Museum. Geovana was awarded honorable mention in an international literary contest for her short story entitled “Thinking in Brazil,” which became the cover of bilingual antology Vozes e Voci. Geovana Clea is the idealizer and coordinaor of “Emotions of the World” project. Kaz Orii (Japan) Born in 1975 in Chiba, Japan, Orii graduated from Wako University – Tokyo – in 1996. Having exhibits in various countries, Kaz Orii’s most important exhibits were as follows: Galerie Kelet / Brussel, Belgium, Atelier Jablonski / Aix-en-Provence, France, Japan’s Embassy Belgium / Brussels, Belgium, Akko Art Gallery / Bangkok, Thailand, Mulan Gallery / Cingapure, Dominik Rostworowski Gallery / Krakow, Poland, Colorida Art Gallery / Lisbon, Portugal, Galeria / K Tokyo, Japan, Galeria La mer / Tokyo, Japan. Walmir Binhotti (Brazil) Walmir was born in Florianopolis, Brazil in 1970, and at the age of 6 moved with his family to Itajai city. At age 13 the artist already professionally drew figures and lettering. A self-taught artist, Binhotti turned to the sacred arts as an expression of his inspiration. Walmir Binhotti has participated in various international exhibits in countries such as Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, India and France. He also participated in the Fine Arts Salon at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Wenceslauw (Brazil) Born in Itajai, Brazil in 1957, Wenceslauw is an artist who has mastered many facets of art. A graphic artist, sketcher, printer and painter, he works with installations of objects and mixed media. He’s been involved in with the arts since 1976 and has participated in many solo and group exhibits receiving numerous awards. Wenceslauw has always brought his unique artistic language and contemporary ideas to the many arts salons he participated. Mainly exhibiting in Brazil in important contemporary art exhibits, Italy will be the artist’s first experience with international shows. Mariola Landowska (Poland) Born in the city of Szczecin, Poland, the artist has lived in Portugal since 1994. Landowska studied architecture in Poland, later on studying at the Gazzola Fine Arts Institute in Piacenza, Italy. The artist has participated in many exhibits in galleries and museums in Spain, Germany, Denmark, Brazil, Poland, France and Portugal. She was selected to Coruche Bienial and participated in the 2012 International Bienial of Madeira. The artist has received honorable mention at the competition and exhibit of Jorge Vieira Museum in Beja. Participated in the project “Snoopy for UNICEF” with artists of the Portuguese radio and TV. Participated in the project “Bear Dances” and “Passion” for KHS of Quinta dos Vales Particivated in film “In my studio” by Alvaro Queiroz for cinematography archives of Portugal – (Portugal National Archives on images in movement for future rememberance) The artist draws her inspiration from her various travels through Brazil, Africa, and India. The artist is represented in the Szczecin city encyclopedia, Poland Tawanda Sarireni (Zimbabwe) Native of the Zimbabwe Republic in the southeast of Africa, now 41 years old, Tawanda learned the art of sculpting stone from his father, a woodworker who, at 100 years of age, still sculpts. Tawanda has a MBA from the University of East London. Sarireni’s sculpture always reflects the Zimbabwean culture. Tawanda has exhibited his work at various countries such as USA, UK, France, Holland, Spain, Australia, and Brazil. The artist currently works and lives in London. Celine Pellerin (Canada) – Born in Quebec, Canada, Celine is a self taught artist who has exhibited her work in international exhibits in France, Italy, USA. The artist has collaborated with her comments in a book published in India and her work has been selected to participate in a book in Canada. An Industrial Engineer Technician and also a therapist, the artist has shown for the first time in Italy at the “Emotions of the World” exhibit at the Douglas Scotti Castle in Fombio during the exhibit “Arte no Castelo.” Daniela Matchael (Brazil) Daniela Was born in the city of Campinas, Brazil. She has lived in the United States since 1997. The artist’s deep roots in academic realistic drawing are inherent in her powerful abstract approach to composition and color. In 1990, the artist joined the Escola Pan Americana de Artes in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Daniela has participated in various solo and group international exhibits in France, Italy, Brazil, and in the United States. In Italy, among other exhibits, Daniela has been part of the group, “Emotions of the World,” exhibit at the Douglas Scotti Castle in Fombio suring the exhibit “Arte no Castelo.” Clo Bougard and Wilson Galvao (Portugal e France) Clo Bougard identifies her work as Neo-Expressionistic with social terms and concepts that are relevant in the interaction with the public. She has developed a complex chromatic content in her pieces. Her work confronts us with current society’s stereotypes and the sophisms of this same reality. Wilson Galvao Galvao was born in Paris (1967) and lives in Lisbon where he attended and concluded his studies in Decorative equipment and decoration at the Visual Arts School Antonio Arroio. He graduated in architecture from ULHT. During his career, besides working as an architect, has developed work in the equipment design participating in various international exhibits. Working with renowned cerographists as a stage designer, Galvao has had the opportunity to have his work shown in various prestigious stages in the world. He is currently developing a partnership with artist Clo Bourgard in sculptural installation pieces. Jon Nespolo (Brazil) - The artist was born in Santo Antonio da Platina in Brazil in 1956. Since early in his school career the artist has shown extreme talent. Since 2010 the artist was able to dedicate his full attention to the arts where he uses a varied array of techniques such as painting, print making, drawing, and sculpture in different materials to achieve his form of expression. Nespolo is always open to innovation in his art and does not limit his work. The artist enjoys the daily challenges posed by his constant reach of self-expression. Carlos Mota (Portugal) – Graduated with a bachelors in Architecture of Interiors at CAD - Centre des Arts Décoratifs in Brussels, Belgium. Studied painting under Toma Roata and drawing under Jacques Richard at the École des Arts Dlxelles, Brussels Resides and works in Lisbon. The artist has participated regularly since 1993. Gabriel Garcia (Portugal) Born in Pico (Acores – Portugal) in 1977, the artist lived in Sao Miguel island, where her frequented the Studio of Plastic Expression and drawing and painting at the Arts Academy of Ponta Delgada. The artist has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Fine Arts in Lisbon. The artists has various postgraduate studies in Photography (A.R.C.O – Lisbon), Scientific Illustration (UAL), printmaking and video. From the artist’s career, he had the opportunity to participate in national and international exhibits in Prague, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Senegal, participating in art fairs and Biennials. Cida Carvalho (Brazil) Cida Carvalho was born in Curitiba, Brazil, and currently lives in the country’s capital, Brasilia. The artists’ career began in 1998. Carvalho has technical background in Art History, antiquity paintings and restoration. In 1999 began working with mosaics with mosaic masters such as Edda Mally, Maria Ines Asinelli, Andjelka Radojevic. She owns a studio where she plans and executes classic and contemporaneous projects. She is now a mosaic master and teaches mosaic techniques at her studio. The artist is a founder and member of Candaga Visual Arts Association and is also a Cultural Promoter and Producer. Noelia Lacerda (Brazil) Born in Bahia, Brazil, the artist currently lives in Brasilia. Noelia Lacerda has been part of exhibits in Brazil and international exhibits. The artist has a Bachelors in Fine Arts through the AEUDF University – (Federal District Association of Unified Learning) and specialization in Arts from University of Brasilia (UNB.) Noelia had perfected her art, technique and style through studies with various local artists such as Marco Aurelio, Lelo, Adauto Pereira, Gildred Mascarenhas and Moreira D’Azevedo. Her art is moving and transpire the artist’s soul. The artist focuses on the detail using for this purpose her own sensibility enhanced by pure knowledge of technique, but also by the artist’s personal experience. Her works in street art and pen art now enhance the landscapes of public and private spaces throughout the world. The artist has a collection of awards in both national and international exhibits and competitions. Helena Medeiros (Portugal) With over two decades working as an artist, Medeiros has been part of various solo and group exhibits. Recently she exhibited in Rome, Venice, Naples, Padova, Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra (Portugal.) Her work is intrinsically related to the sacred arts and the imaginary of the stage. In conjunction with the work she internationally develops as an accomplished costume designer for the great names of international ballet world such as Gradimir Pankov, Mauro Bigonzetti, Richard Wherlock and Kin Peng Wand. She also works with ballet companies of countries such as, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Canada and Chile. Brigitte Von Humboldt (Germany) Von Humboldt was born in Baumholder, Germany. She holds a bachelors degree in Fine Arts from Superior School of Fine Arts in Maiz concluded in 1971. In 1979 the artist moved to Lagos city (Portugal) where she built her studio “Blue Studio.” If nature has a soul, you can see it though Brigitte’s work. One cannot say her subject is nature. Although nature is the artist’s main inspiration, Von Humboldt has an almost obsession to represent emotion through her paintings on the canvas. Esperanza Tielbaard Pazmino (Colombia) Esperanza was born in Colombia and now lives in New York, USA. She specializes in figurative creations, landscapes and contemporary abstracts. Tielbaard uses many modern materials and incorporates metallic acrylic paints to her pieces. In the vibrant golds, she tries to produce fascinating contemporary landscapes. The artist participated in courses at the Academy of Fine Arts Antonio Maria Valencia in Cali, Colombia. She received the Memorial Award as a member of the Central Artist’s Association in New York in 2011 and 2012. The artist has exhibited in all countries in the Americas, UK, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Her pieces have been in various publications. Sandra Biloe (Brazil/France) Sandra Biloe is a professional contemporary artist in Monaco. The artist was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil Her goal with her painting is to make seen invisible energies through great power of expression. Critics refer to Biloe’s work as extremely intense. Her work are strong and filled with emotions. The paintings of Biloe make clear her emotions and the contact with people as well as her memories from Brazil. The artist’s work is mainly presented in Monaco where the artist is extremely well recognizes for her artistic achievement. She had various TV appearances as TOP Marques Monaco 2013 and at the MERDIEN Beach Plazza Monte-Carlo. Rose Fernandes (Brazil) Rose Fernandez was born in Guanabmbi in Bahia, Brazil. Through influence and support from her parents, musician Cosme Fernandez and poet Silene Soares Fernandez, the artist was able to express her interest in the arts from an early age. A self-taught artist, Fernandes participated in workshops at the Fundacao Cultural da Bahia. The artist is inspired by the familiar landscapes, plants, animals and the human figure which the artist renders with true perfection. The artist believes that the support of her family, now married with her own children, combined with perfection of technique and her inspiration add up to her wonderful work with perfect technique and feelings. She has participated in various solo and group exhibits in her home state of Bahia and at the Museum of Sao Paulo MASP. Internationally, the artist has exhibited in Mexico, United States, Canada, Germany, Carrousel Du Louvre, France. She has many pieces in private collections in Brazil and other countries. Her work has been part of a great array of publications such as Anuario Art & Artistas (2003), Anuario Brasileiro de Artes Plasticas (2004 and 2005), Art Gallery Brazil (2010 and 2011) and others as well as national and international magazines. Vando Figueiredo (Brazil) Born in Fortaleza, Brazil in 1952, he began his career in 1988. The artist has a diploma in Drawing and Painting ministered by master Raul de La Nuez through the Superior Institute of Art in Havana – Cuba. Painter, sculptor, printmaker, and drawing artist, Figueiredo has taught art at the Ceara Federal University (UFC), University Sem Fronteiras (USF), Faculdade Integrada da Grande Fortaleza (FGF), At the Contemporary Museum Dragao do Mar, among others. Vando Figueiredo’s career is filled with hundreds of national and international, solo and group exhibits. Internationally he has participated in exhibits in the USA, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Chile and Argentina. He has received numerous awards and honorable mentions and in 2008 received the title of citizen of Magalona, city of Cangas – Spain. In 2010 participated in 18th International Workshop - Forenigen Kulturremisem, in Brande, Denmark. His pieces are in various public and private collections in various parts of the world. LINK Artist’s Photos: https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.165137660352330.1073741829.164256413773788&type=1 LINK Works Photos: https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.165403833659046.1073741831.164256413773788&type=1 LINK VIDEO YOUTUBE – Artists and pieces: Emotions of The world - Rosso Tizianos Gallery -Piacenza (21 photos) Emotions of The world - Rosso Tizianos Gallery -Piacenza ARTISTS Par : Emotions of the WORLD Photos : 21 Emotions of The world - Rosso Tizianos Gallery -Piacenza ARTISTS Par : Emotions of the WORLD Photos : 21
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:19:53 +0000

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