“Prove From the Scriptures That She Is Wrong” Janet, a - TopicsExpress


“Prove From the Scriptures That She Is Wrong” Janet, a regular pioneer sister in Ghana, was reading the Bible Teach book during a long bus trip. A preacher got on the bus, preached a sermon, and then invited the passengers to contribute money for his ministry. Janet said to him: “You say that Jesus is the same as God.Who, then, spoke to Jesus at his baptism?” The preacher said, “It is a mystery.”Janet opened to chapter 4 of the Bible Teach book,selected some scriptures, and invited a few of the passengers to read the verses. She explained the difference between Jesus and the Almighty God,Jehovah.“You are a witch,” said the preacher.At that, the passengers rallied to her defense, saying,“You should prove from the Scriptures that she is wrong rather than calling her a witch.” In anger,the preacher got off the bus at the next stop. A young woman sitting beside Janet said to her: “I thought Jehovah was the name of the church building of the Witnesses. I did not know that it was God’s name until your discussion with that preacher.”A conversation followed, and Janet took the woman’s phone number and promised to contact her.When the woman got home, she related the incident to her grandmother. The grandmother too was surprised to learn that God’s name is Jehovah. Janet later arranged for some Witnesses to continue discussions with the woman and her grandmother.Both are now attending meetings. YB2013 pg49 When I was at the meeting at the kingdom hall on Thursday,we were reading this above sentence about this JW sister that challenged this preacher on a long bus trip.When I listened to this story,I begin to laugh to myself and saying to myself what watchtower propaganda is this.I am laughing at the part which say: ( Janet said to him: “You say that Jesus is the same as God.Who, then, spoke to Jesus at his baptism?” The preacher said, “It is a mystery.”Janet opened to chapter 4 of the Bible Teach book,selected some scriptures, and invited a few of the passengers to read the verses. She explained the difference between Jesus and the Almighty God,Jehovah.“You are a witch,” said the preacher.At that, the passengers rallied to her defense, saying,“You should prove from the Scriptures that sheis wrong rather than calling her a witch.” In anger,the preacher got off the bus at the next stop.) I find it strange that when she asked the preacher “You say that Jesus is the same as God and then asked him who then spoke to Jesus at the baptism?.And all the preacher could tell her that it is a mystery.To me I find that the preacher could of answered that question who spoke from heaven while Jesus was on earth than saying it is a mystery.I find that the Watchtower is pushing a form propaganda here to show that their followers could defend their doctrine of lies.What I find it strange is that I have challenged elder’s,circuit overseer’s,presiding overseer’s,elder who went to gilead,ministral servants,JW sister’s and brother’s and none of them cannot refute me or challenged me because I am the one does be in the winning position.They all does try hard to refute me with all the watchtower propaganda tactic’s but boy I does have them going or fleeing in the name of Jesus Christ because they cannot stand up to me when I refute all their Watchtower doctrine of lies.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:20:09 +0000

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