“Public service is a service to humanity” -Engr. Anebi, - TopicsExpress


“Public service is a service to humanity” -Engr. Anebi, Comptroller-General of Nigeria Fire Service * Calls for supports from NGOs and Companies * Tasks subordinates on team work * Cautions Nigerians on bush burning (Engr. Joseph Garba Anebi is the new Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Fire Service. In this exclusive interview with DayBreak Managing Editor, Sunday ITODO and Abuja Correspondent, Caleb ABAH, the Benue-born gallant Officer gives insight into the operations of the service and how he became the CG). Excerpt! ***How do you feel in your new office as the Comptroller General of Nigeria Fire Service? I feel happy! I’m happy because the federal government found me worthy enough to mount the leadership of the Fire Service. I am also happy because I have found an opportunity to contribute my own quota to the development of this nation. ***You were not the only senior ranking officer in this establishment, what could have informed your appointment as the overall boss? Let me first of all tell you that my appointment was divine. It came from God almighty. Let me also assure you that wherever you find yourself in life and whatever you are doing, there are people somewhere who will surely take note of it and God also keeps records of all our activities. So, on that basis, I’m convinced it was God and He doesn’t make mistakes. Whatever God does, it’s perfect! Public Service is a service to humanity and whoever that is coming to serve must have the fear of God and the goodwill of the people. Competence should also be a cardinal element for such a person. These and many other qualities must have been responsible for my appointment. And I have gladly accepted the offer to serve in that capacity. I know it’s a great challenge and higher responsibility for me, but with God on my side and a smooth working relationship with my men, we shall move the organization to enviable heights. ***Having served in various capacities in this establishment and now at the highest echelon, what do you consider as major challenges you may likely face in your new office? There are basic challenges which range from infrastructures to manpower and operational equipments. Some infrastructures we need to work with, like the ‘Fire Engines’ and other fire equipments are in shortage. I think this is one area where we shall need the collaborations of the media. We need more awareness on this so that individuals and corporate organizations can come to the aid of Nigeria Fire Service, by supporting the establishment with the needed equipments and infrastructures. It’s so unfortunate that in Nigeria, people don’t always look in the direction of the ‘Fire Service’, you would see big companies, NGOs and even individuals donating vehicles and equipments to other formations like Police, Army, etc, for their smooth operations. But have you ever heard that anybody bought ‘Fire Engine’ and donated to the Fire Department? No! Whereas, people should care much about their lives and properties because the Nigeria Fire Service would be the only formation they would call upon when they are being endangered by fire outbreak. And they would start shouting Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!, not minding how we could get to the venue and put it under control. So, if you could help us broadcast it so that organizations will assist us with Fire Engines and other equipments, we have capable men that are on ground to man those equipments and it is to the advantage of the populace. Fire equipments are capital intensive and government alone cannot do it. Let firms and corporate organizations put in their quota and it shall be better for it. Secondly, when we talk about shortage of personnel, we are talking about international standard for Fire service. For instance, internationally, we are supposed to have one Fire Man to a thousand Nigerians, which means for every thousand Nigerians, there should be one Fire Man responsible for fire operations. But right now, what we have is one Fire Man to twenty thousand Nigerians, which is grossly inadequate. ***How prepared are you to bring these challenges to your ambit? I’m really prepared! Since I came in, we have been having series of meetings at the management level, putting heads together to make this place functional. By the time we come out with the working blueprint, we would have greater achievements. ***Since your name was announced as the new CG, there have been jubilations in so many quarters, among those who know you and especially the Idoma Community. They surely need strong assurances from you, that you will live up to expectations and justify the confidence reposed in you. By God’s grace, I will. With what we are putting in place at the Fire Service, the impacts will be felt by every Nigerian. There are other measures like ‘Fire Code’ and ‘Enforcement Unit’ put in place for the general enhancement of this formation. I want to assure you that in no time, our impacts would be felt. ***Job racketeering is a norm in some federal government ministries and agencies. Some of these establishments embark on employment exercise without recourse to the laid down procedures for recruitments, what are you putting in place to make your own case different? I don’t believe in job racketeering even though I can’t tell you it doesn’t exist in some quarters. I have been hearing about it but I have not experienced it before, perhaps, I have never been in the position to notice it. But be rest assured that in our own time, by the grace of God, everybody shall get what he or she qualifies for. Every state shall have equal share of whatever will happen here. ***You emerged as the CG at the time that expectations are high due to the level of unemployment and poverty. Are we expecting any openings from your establishment in shortest time? ***Today we have just turned out about 338 recruits and with this number; we are seeking for more establishments. By the time we are given establishments, we shall recruit more personnel. Like I explained earlier, we need to belt up and meet the international standard. ***We are already in another dry season and Nigerians have developed the habit of bush burning, either for clearing pebbles or hunting expedition. What are your messages of strong signal to Nigerians on this? It is true that Nigerians have developed bush burning habit for reasons I do not know, but they should take precautions because fire has dangerous capacity to escalate when it gets out of control. It happens many times when people set fire on a small portion and would go and sleep, the next day; the fire would have escalated and encroached into another man’s portion of land, destroying properties. So, my advice to Nigerians is to avoid bush burning, for whatsoever reason. Even agriculturally it is not advisable! Very soon our men would carry out aggressive campaign, creating awareness on fire safety and precautionary measures. They would be teaching Nigerians on how to use some basic fire equipments which all of us should have at home. For instance, when you are in the kitchen cooking and there is fire attack or from the electronics in your sitting room, you should be able to arrest it by using fire bracket or fire extinguisher. Those are simple measures you could use to fight any domestic fire at infant stage. The equipments are not that expensive and we could get them from any big shop. ***What’s going to be your word to the subordinate officers of your establishment? There is no where a leader could succeed with the organizational goals without the supports of the subordinates. An African adage says “a single finger cannot pick lice from the hair” just like a stick of broom cannot sweep dirt except a bunch of broom, so my success in this office shall be dependent on the efforts of my men. My advice to all ranks and files of this formation is to come together and work in unity. It is when we work as a team that we can be able to achieve the goals of this establishment and make our country Nigeria proud. Permit me also to use this opportunity to appreciate the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR, the Vice President, Arch. Namadi Sambo, the Senate President, Senator David Mark, the Honourable Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, the Permanent Secretary and the entire Board Members, for their continued supports in making sure the Nigeria Fire Service gets the required government attention. May I also crave their indulgence, to continue to give us the enabling environment, to pilot this organization to an enviable height. I appreciate the honour done to me, for finding me worthy to serve in this capacity and I want to assure them and entire Nigerians that I shall put in my best to justify the confidence reposed in me. ***Thank you Sir. You are welcome.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:09:37 +0000

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