“Quiet on the set, lights, camera and action.” - TopicsExpress


“Quiet on the set, lights, camera and action.” ‘WHAT’S UP’ Directed by Zorena Produced by Lawrence J. Ellison Starring Mr. Ellison role playing the character of Sherlock Holmes. Co-starring Lawrence’s sidekick aka Doctor Watson. Special effects Twilight Princess Belinda. Setting the scene the curtain opens; A few years have passed since Lawrence Ellison found a series of 6 manuals at his door. Since then he followed 3 simple instructions to get all world governments too built him a 3,000 mile test lab. Now today July 01, 2017, for the first time, Lawrence demonstrates to the world his top secret plan for global domination by throwing a gala lab opening party. His celebrations include test results of his plan plus revealing what he invented called the Creative Provider Device.. . . . 7:00 a.m. July 01, 2017 Live on location at Mr. Ellison’s Galactic Space Embassy in North Vancouver, Canada he is speaking to his sidekick. “Well well well gee whiz gosh Watson, here we are living just the way we read about in my series of 6 manuals I found on my door step 3 years ago. Today July 01, 2017 is my big day when all development of my plan for world domination has been completed.” “Right you are Lawrence Ellison, it has been 3 years since you found your big sparkling gift box anonymously left at your door containing 6 manuals describing your destiny.” “That’s right Watson, now here we are today July 01, 2017, living out those predictions of my future which a few years ago seemed like a fantasy. Come Watson let’s get packed, today we leave on our big trip to my lab located in that 20,000 mile mountain wilderness park which we read about in my manuals. Today the B.C Government designated that area a World Heritage Park. Before we begin packing, Alex my loyal servant, will be serving us breakfast around my indoor Olympic swimming pool. Oh look Watson, here comes Alex now.” “Alex, my loyal butler, you’re doing a fine job at providing for my needs, just like my manuals said you will be doing. Supervising my 50 chamber maids and 35 gourmet chefs, here at my Galactic Global Embassy #1 and also at my Embassy #2 in the World Heritage Park. I see you have set out what I and Watson will be wearing today. Our cosmic outfits look comfortable for wearing during our four hour trip today to my lab hidden in the Rockies.” “Watson come over here close to Alex and me, and quit playing with that thing, come pay attention. I’ve completed sending out my opinion polls and now the world is saying YES to everything I want done. Now all governments around the world have given me this, my own fabulous 1500 room Galactic Space Embassy too entertain all the movers and shakers in the world. Since the entire world’s population have said my magic word YES, today I’m hosting the greatest gala extravaganza party the world has ever known, opening my secret test lab for the world to see WHAT’S UP inside going on for the last three years. Then after that party ends in four weeks we all return here too my 1500 room mansion in North Vancouver where my party continues for at least six months. During my party celebrations all my thousands of guests will be trying out my invention I call the Creative Provider Unit. Today is my big day, July 01, 2017, when I announce to the world, my secret carrot on a stick, which the world will follow, too find out how my Global Master Plan plus my invention works. I will demonstrating all my test results comparing today too living emotionally and physiologically four centuries in the future. That’s enough talking for now Watson, let’s get packed, my chauffeur Jeeves is driving us to the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver in one hour. I will use my fleet of stretched, wide body, customized limousines the Canadian Federal Government gave me as a gift. Picking up my two hundred and fifty member team. They will be with me and you in and around the outside of my lab for the next four weeks. We will be demonstrating to the world WHAT’S UP. What do you have to say Watson about these latest developments”? “Well Sherlock, let me say this about that. I’m happy it’s now a true story what we imagined reading 3 years ago in your 6 manuals as being science fiction is now happening like a fairy tale come true. I sure didn’t expect what’s written in your manuals would be a dream come true.” “Right you are Watson. Hey come over here and look out my front windows. See down there in the Vancouver harbor, my fleet of 100 cruise ships world governments built for me recently. See they are being boarded by thousands of senior citizens going on a free one year world cruise.” “Ya I see Sherlock or should I now be addressing you as Larry Ellison?!” “Watson you can call me anything you want except one thing, late for dinner, ha ha. I see you’re walking around the room with a big smile on your face, what’s up?” “I’m smiling because I expect too experience with you Holmes, the un-expected. Happening over the next 4 months around your lab and back here at your mansion #1 in North Vancouver built on top of this mountain.” “Right U R Watson. Hey, let’s get packed, I’m expecting Zorena and her crew to arrive in the next hour and join us on our trip today to my lab. First I must phone my private pilot Veronica and have her meet us at the Vancouver airport. She will be flying my 250 member test team in my personal jet too my Galactic Space Embassy #2 in the interior mountains of B.C. where my lab is. Everything is happening today according to plan from what I read too you Doctor Watson in my manuals 3 years ago. Today is my day, living my destiny, just as was prophesized in my manuals. Remember a few years ago when I found my manuals wrapped in that mysterious brown paper; packed in that big sparkling wooden gift box? Now today after following those 3 simple instructions in them to conduct a world opinion poll has resulted in the world agreeing to test my world master plan and invention for living physiologically in the 24th century. Remember back 3 years ago when I opened my big sparkling gift box and found a medium size black metal box containing a crystal ball? I also found a treasure map in the bottom of my big sparkling gift box. Tonight we will follow that map while we are inside my lab, to find a buried treasure, a chest overflowing with precious jewels and hundreds of pure ten once gold coins. We will also find pots of gold at the end of all the rain boughs inside my lab. My lab is so big, rain boughs form inside it” “Right U R Holmes, if your manuals are correct, as they have been so far, your map will lead us to a desert island in your lab where you and I will dig up 800 hundred, 10 once 100% pure gold coins. That sounds like a fun time coming up over the next few weeks which is something completely different. So far Holmes, you have accomplished many miracles your manuals predicted you would. Your destiny is all coming true” “Ya right U R Watson, especially the big ones such as when I told the world if they joined my badge collecting club I will eliminate all their problems. After I gave the entire world a communicator badge everyone joined my club, making me their leader. My many factories manufacturing badges have eliminated un-employment around the world, just like Zora said I would do. I also hired everyone who wants to work, making gold keys that unlock surprise boxes which I had my factories produce for the entire world to receive free. My other global factories are running three shifts, 6 days a week building my inventions the Creative Provider Device. I give each member of my badge club choices of C/P/U to pick from. Each unit can be customized too suit each user when they use it to invent their own personal futures. Resulting in a flawless perfect world. Plus my other factories manufacture grab bags just for the fun of it. Each grab bag contains different mystery gifts. This concept idea is for each person on earth to grab which ever bag they think contains the best gift surprises inside. Each grab bag contains items designed to make all people smile all the time. That’s how my manuals say I will make the world constantly smile. Having fun picking grab bags makes everyone feel happy. My factories produce free, multi-billions of grab bags for who ever join my badge club. Plus my factories produce billions of cosmic communicator badges for all who join my galactic club to wear 24/7. People realize anyone ‘NOT’ wearing their badge hasn’t yet tested my Global Master Plan to become compatible with all members of my club. All people want to wear my club badge signifying they welcome whatever may happen too drops in from another planet for a visit. My badges tell all cosmic visitors that everyone on earth welcomes them and that we are all compatible with each other making it safe for them to come to our planet. My badge club tell anyone in the universe that everyone on our planet are all on the same page with each other and that nothing negative exists that can cause cosmic travelers any harm. I’m first to reach out my hand to space travelers just in case they are out there watching us. Someone has to be first in line if aliens show up and say ‘Take us too your leader’, so 3 years ago I followed instructions in my manuals designating myself that leader. Someone has to be there first if cosmic travelers come too earth with gifts of goodwill so that will be me the great all powerful Larry Ellison.” “Right you are Lawrence I mean Sherlock. At this moment there are far too many of your miracle accomplishments to talk about so we will talk about them while we are travelling today to your gala lab opening party.” “My dear Doctor Watson, I know what I’m about to say to you may sound a bit strange and outside the box. But hear me out Watson. Considering the fact we still have not solved my mysterious case Scotland Yard gave me titled WHAT’S UP I must now make a conclusion to solve my case. I will make a logical assumption based on the evidence that supports my findings that people did not write my manuals. It could be probable more than possible that facts we have uncovered so far point to the authors being alien. What do you think about my deductive reasoning powers Watson? Am I right investigating the existence of ET?” “Well let me say this about that Larry Ellison ooopps Sherlock, the real Sherlock Holmes living back in the 18th century would have investigated every bit of evidence which would have helped him solve every case he took on for Scotland Yard. Therefore since you’re playing the character of Sherlock, you should leave no stone un-turned in your investigation of ‘WHAT’S UP’ and ‘Who Done It’. I agree we should both be thinking far outside the box on this case of WHAT’S UP. So let’s get this show on the road, travelling to your lab today, too see what’s up inside it. Who knows, maybe aliens have arrived inside while it was being built for you by all governments around the world. Protecting themselves inside which has been your top secret for the past few years”. “Ya right U R Watson, let’s go see. I mean like umm it’s a stretch of the imagination that aliens exist on earth. On the other hand, what I’ve read in my manuals tells me the authors talk about wearing disguises. Why, if they were not aliens, would they wear disguises, I wonder!” “Lawrence it’s logical what you’re suggesting could be facts worth investigating it’s also logical that your badges will signify too ET that people wearing them cause no harm when aliens see everyone wearing your badge. Bottom line in my opinion, if the Global Master Plan is written by ET and works too eliminate all negativity from our planet then what is predicted is your destiny. To be the one who usher in 1,000 years of total global peace. Giving everyone a complete makeover of total peace of mind 24/7.” “Well said Watson, come we have reviewed enough of what’s up, we must get on the road. I will continue reading my manuals while we are travelling to my lab. I want to read how the story of my legacy ends by completing my three simple instructions. Hey Watson, look that crystal ball I found in that black metal box a few years ago is lighting up, glowing brightly again. I guess Johnny forgot to disconnect the power source. I’m looking into its crystals, look Watson, come over here, stop playing with that thing. Look in my crystal ball. I see me Larry Ellison opening that orange metal box. Oh darn the balls crystals are fading away and the ball has stopped glowing. Oh well maybe if I bring my crystal ball with me today to my lab it will start glowing again there! Watson I will pack it in my luggage and I must remind Jeeves to bring my gold key which I won for saying that secret word ‘YES’. That word YES is the secret too everything I accomplish. That special gold key unlocks my labs giant glass front doors letting cameras inside for the first time. Everything is taking off like a rocket just like my manuals predicted, after I said that secret magic word YES. Winning this gold key from Zorena opens up all kinds of possibilities besides just my labs doors.” “Ya I know Holmes. Gee all is coming together like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle.” “Ya right U R Watson, I held my secrete like a carrot over the heads of the world for three years. Now tonight I tell my secret which is about a model built inside my lab for all to see what happens living physiologically in the year 2422.” “Cut that’s a wrap print it, take five for a tea break then ready on the next set.”
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:30:33 +0000

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