“Quiet on the set . . lights . . cameras . . scene 1 . . take - TopicsExpress


“Quiet on the set . . lights . . cameras . . scene 1 . . take one . . . . Action”. WHAT’S UP ???? Beep Beep Beep “This is Zora on planet Happiness calling earth. We interrupt your regular scheduled programming for this red hot breaking news bulletin, broadcasted from our planet to yours. We go live now to . . . . wait I hear a BEEP sound this just into the CNN situation room, hold that thought while I adjust the telepathic broadband through Lawrence John Coopers fingers. There is that better Larry”. “Thanks Zora, so tell our readers what’s up the title of your cosmic manuals. I have a few lines in the movie you’re ready to make in BC Canada so I’ll let you go to speak with whomever will believe this is happening” Beep Beep Beep “Hello I’m Lu Robs reporting on What’s up happening on this pleasant summer day July 01, 2016. Our own CNN news reporter Arnie Pie is high in the sky”. “Arnie are you there, it’s Lu Robs calling”? “This is Arnie Pie high in the sky. I’m currently flying over the mountains of BC. Look our cameras show what has been top secret for three years by the Canadian Government. Lu see down below the chopper I’m flying”? “I see a crystal glass lab”. “Flying with me in the CNN news helicopter is reporter Snoop”. “What’s up Snoop, it Lu in the citation room”??? “Lot’s is up Lu”. “What can you and Snoop see while snooping around outside the widows of the lab supposedly contain live space aliens”? “We see lots Lu, here is a brief report. We see. . . wait. . . stay tuned . . . I will be back in a moment with the greatest natural event ever to … wait Lu. . . what’s that”? “What’s what Snoop? What are you and Arnie high in the sky looking at”? “Lu, its Arnie Pie here hi in the sky reporting fly saucers flying are near the ground inside this 3,000 square mile labs top secret location”. “What’s up Snoop it Lu Robs speaking”? “Arnie Pie is flying the chopper close to the ground to get a better look at what’s up. Stay tuned”. . . “There U have it Lu, I’m Andy Snoop always snooping for red hot stories to report. Arnie and I will be here on site covering this event all day and night starting today July 01, 2016 until January 1, 2022. Then . . . . Hold that thought folks who are tuned in. Stay tuned audience, tighten your seat belt, this ride goes real fast. I’m Andy Snoop signing off with Arnie pie high in the sky”. “Thanks for that report Andy and Snoop”. “I’m Lu Robs signing off for CNN, stay tuned folks for more broadcasts from the situation room. We now return you to your regular scheduled programming now in progress”. You. . . while reading this say to your soul mate, “Hey mate lets read cosmic messages coming from from the milky way”. “Wait mate, not so fast, this could be a trap”. “Good detective work Doctor Watson maybe your right. I could paint my way in a corner”. “Right U R Sherlock then what, will you do? You’re the greatest detective ever, how will you solve the mystery of Who Done It”? “Easy my dear Doctor Watson according to legend as the story has it, who done it will be. . . . . . Hold that thought Watson while I read this message coming from someplace in space. Its addressed to Mr. Larry Ellison. Here I’ll read it to you mate”. “Greetings and salutations Lawrence J. Ellison; We met on Face Book earlier. This is your legacy predicted by me Zorena cosmic traveler. Just a moment I’m writing your future down, there done. You will build it and they come from our planet”. “Cut. . . turn down the lights, shut off the cameras take five while I discuss with Zora what’s up. Walk with me Zora, really do you really expect me to believe this is happening. I’m talking to a space alien ooo this is cool so tell me where, when and how this movie plays out. I assume I solve, in the movie script the case of what’s up mystery. So I should be polite and acknowledge your presents considering what I’m reading is happening. Hey that’s my future in your crystal ball. By the way Zora do I have script privilege”? “U my dear Ellison are able to make any changes you want. However our script is perfect, no changes needed, it works so leave it alone”. “I the great and all powerful Lawrence Ellison can tell you Zora WHAT’S UP. Your taking words from my mouth be me saying I expect to be invited to your planet. I believe what you say is happening to me but people may look at me and say, ‘Come now Lawrence maybe U should lay down and rest. Your being fooled into trusting What’s Up is happening in the Milky Way’. Then I would say ‘Oh alien investigation reading possible messages from space just a hobby of mine. I mean like umm what if it is happening and I the great Larry Ellison ignore ‘WHAT’S UP’”? Then WHAT’S UP happens without me then I give up my involvement with you Zora and last in line to welcome you and your crew. After you land your many space ships you can expect me to be there. That is because I am the most logical person on earth to do what you space aliens say in your script. I get it now the picture I see in the future is a movie where live in a reality show hunting down WHAT’S UP. Something (whatever) is big happening and I want to be first to discover you Zora live”. “Our plan is designed around one person, you Lawrence J. Ellison. Who will entertain us while helping us take control of your planets systems and procedures. Mental pleasure will set you free to go where we want you to be where and when we land our space ships. Headlines will read ‘Mr. Ellison becomes leader of the world. Declaring 1000 years of peace beginning July 01, 2016”. “Cool I can handle that job so tell me more Zora how am I involved at this moment”? “Does the moment make the person or the person make the moment, that is the question to ask yourself Mr. Ellison. You Being our number one choice so far to communicate with will cause big things to happen when you speak things get done as planned. Get the picture Larry? Help us we help you starting with obtaining air clearance to land our space ships in the Rockies. This is one major request we make of you. Another request before we arrive is for you to establish a government lab where we will examine earthlings in private. Specification for building a secret research and development lab in the BC Rockies for experimenting with humans are in our manuals. Six typed telepathically from our planet to Larry John Coopers computer keyboard. Your legacy Lawrence Ellison will be (if U choose to take our plan and test it) will be assigning resources for preparing your planet to welcome whatever drops in from space. Your legacy will stand forever as the one who stops all hearts from breaking for all generations to come. Also your legacy will be the one who eliminates all causes for loneliness, poverty, hunger etc. All negativity interfering with health is gone”. “Cut that’s a wrap, print it. 181713
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 06:18:14 +0000

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