**RACISM ** tHE OTHER DAY MY NEPHEW SAID I WAS RACIST I FEEL I NEED TO ADDRESS THIS. OK I do not consider myself racist. I have mentioned to all of you at least 1x b4 my troubles dealing with white ppl her in Roanoke Va. From the time we arrived here its been event after event dealing with race. From the 3rd day here when we were stopped walking to the store at night we were told we looked like suspects they were after we were surrounded by 4 cars with spotlights glaring. To being told at Lewis Gale by a former Nurse that she didn know that skin so soft was still being tested on animals after asking me what the fragrance was I was wearing. to most recently to someone not able to handle what bull she attempted to dish out so decided to run literally crying tears lying to my boss still I was the blame after I had 2 witnesses that confirmed my side of the story still the little white girl went crying the bit bad blck girl hurt me so hey. here its totally different from the life up north. There you KNOW if someone likes u or not they make sure its known . Here u get smiles in your face and called a N&^%ER behind closed doors. Weve been stalked after complaining , Ive been fired from a job after making several complaints of racist comments reason for my termination simple my services were no longer needed. Now I also need to say this has not only effected myself but my oldest son has experienced comments and actions towards him in his schools. Interracial dating had also come up in that convo with my nephew. Let me be clear if youre happy hey gr8 the world needs more love AS FOR MYSELF. Thats not in the cards for me. Thats was established for me from the age 11 when I was molested by a white man while I was attending my Survivors group for being molested by someone else. I was not born feeling this way I actual never even noticed color growing up bcuz my fam is not that way however the damage has been done the trust meter destroyed completely. Unlike most people they have know clue on why they do or do not like certain races they just have their picks that to me is ignorance. I guess its kinda like a rape victim, you keep your eyes wide open when walking down the street at night. you learn. Ive learned. Until you can walk inmy shoes experience what My fam has its unfair to label me. Thanks for reading
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:13:19 +0000

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