[RADIO] Taemin on Kim Chang Ryuls Old School Radio - TopicsExpress


[RADIO] Taemin on Kim Chang Ryuls Old School Radio (19082014) Talking about Kai: Taemin: My relationship with Kai is really good. Our relationship has been good since the trainee period. Both of us will meet privately but we are worried that we will be misunderstood. The manager also asked if we were dating. KCR: It is because Taemin looks too good. Taemin: I should be careful. KCR: There is no need to be careful. Females will also hold hands etc. Taemin: We will also have some skinship like putting the arm around the shoulder etc. Source: FallinTaem Trans: squishyjinki KCR: Previously, Taemin was photographed with Kai. Did you know about that? Taemin: At that time, I didn’t know. As both of us are often together and will look around at the surroundings, we didn’t see anything at that time. However, we were still photographed by Dispatch in the end. KCR: Recently, the fans’ cameras are also really good. Taemin: Fans will also frequently take photos. Everyone is really good~ KCR: At a professional’s level. The (fans’) photos are even taken better than a reporter’s. Source: FallinTaem Trans: squishyjinki They were talking about paparazzi catching Taem and Kai together. Taem: I completely didnt know about it. Then they talked about fans. T: The fans also often take photos, as if at professional standard. DJ: Who took those photo? T: The Dis….(patch) DJ: Are you close to Exo’s Kai? T: Yes we are close. We are close to each other since we were trainees. And we meet often, such that even misunderstandings arised. We are the types to do skinship (even) as guys, for example putting our hands over the shoulder… I used to not like it but eventually it became natural. DJ: Wow I’m envious… and what do you do when you meet Kai? T: Nothing much, honestly. We just play game, or go to the cafe and grab some coffee, or exercise… and then we go to hangang too. That’s where our photos were taken. Source: cosmicsticks About skinship among Taemin and his friends Taemin Actually there were 3 of us, there was also another friend (who was with us). He is even more serious, we are affected by him, did I just say something that I am not supposed to say ? Everyone:ROFL cr:FallinTaem苗苗站 via cosmicsticks On his members (About being first to go solo) Taemin: I’m still lacking in many areas. The members are better than me and it is just that I met a good opportunity. Source: FallinTaem Trans: squishyjinki DJ: Who supported you (for this debut) the most? T: All members supported me a lot but especially Jonghyun-hyung. He said I was cool, and that he’s happy as much as I am happy. DJ: Just now you talked about receiving a present, who gave it to you? T: Key-hyung…. (Key bought Taemin a wallet so celebrate his first live solo at SMTown ) Source: cosmicsticks cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 T: Jonghyun-hyung was even happier than I was. KCR: Who gave you a gift? T: It was Key-hyung who gave me the present. KCR: Did the members tease you? T: No, but they jokingly said what do we do, our statuses are going down, things like that. KCR: Taemin you were the first to come out with a solo (album). T: There are a lot of things that I still insufficient at, the members are better than I am, I just got a very good chance. trans: cosmicsticks On SHINee & solo activities: cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 T: But after today there will also be chances for the members to engage in personal activites. Actually they weren’t especially envious of me either, because everyone is preparing (for something), it’s not that there has been a specific plan, just that if it’s prepared well before hand, I believe that there will be a chance (to show it off) next time. cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 As maknae in SHINee, are you able to do things as you wish while in the team? T: Not that I’m the maknae, it’s mainly (because) of my personality. I don’t like to stand out, I like to follow others. DJ: Is there anything that you were able to try out (because) of the new album? T: I took off my top. I took 3 weeks to bulk up, not because I wanted to show everyone my muscles, but I wanted to showcase my ambition, but I still felt that I didn’t completely showcase everything. cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 DJ: Since Taemin you are doing activities alone now, do you have to eat alone too? Without your members. T: I still like being alone. When I am alone I don’t feel lonely, when I was with my members last time I didn’t do it that I have to eat with my members, we will just do what we have to do well. I think maybe it’s because of this, that’s why our group dynamics is good. We will do our own things, we won’t quarrel or anything, we are very in-sync. Eng trans: cosmicsticks On collaborating with Kai: Cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 DJ: Taemin is doing your solo activities now, do you have anyone in mind whom you want to work with? Kai? Okay I got it. Taemin: Since we have been doing activities in groups for some time, now that I am doing solo activities I think that it’s fresh. DJ: Then if you have a chance next time? Is it Kai? I would think so haha T: If there is a chance, of course I would still like to be with my friends. Eng trans: cosmicsticks On his image: DJ: Your album this time showed off a more masculine concept, then you have noona fans, how did the react? T: Actually I dont know their reaction specifically because I don’t have time for the internet. It’s an image that couldn’t be shown off last time, but there are also fans who prefer that cute image. But i am getting older year by year, and slowly that (cute) image is going to fade. source: cosmicsticks cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 Asked why Taem is so different on and off stage. T: First of all I’m more (of the) shy. On stage I am more serious and (I appear) stronger, but in this kind of situation and I am that way too, I will appear to be rude. So (I think) It’s better to be a bit more naive. DJ: Taemin has always been polite. eng trans: cosmicsticks and SHINee. cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 A listener asked Taemin about (the album/song) having a Michael Jackson feel to it. T: Actually it is not considered my style, but it’s rather similar, I usually like MJ too. DJ: Actually MJ is a singer that many people like, if Taemin is like that you will really have that MJ feel. T: Actually the song composer is also a diehard fan of MJ. cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 DJ: Taemin released a new album and you are very cool, I’m most curious about what your hyungs said. T: I really didn’t expect that, because I feel that we are all guys, and I felt that maybe they would just say something like oh you debuted, but I didn’t expect the members to even give me a gift. cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 DJ: How long are you going to be promoting this? T: Not too long, maybe only about 2 3 weeks. DJ: With sufficient time, Taemin can showcase what he wants to show to everyone. (repeated parts omitted) cr: FallinTaem苗苗站 Did you ever have to wear something that you felt embarrased having to? T: There was a period of time when I was a bit chubby, I also had baby fats on my face, and wearing those fanciful outfits, neon coloured ones, etc., I really looked like Winnie the Pooh. DJ: So did you go on a diet? Will you still wear it in the future? T: I won’t wear it anymore, I really don’t have the confidence to wear them anymore. Eng trans: cosmicsticks Admin Armin
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:01:52 +0000

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