~~RANT~~ I have been a.hairdresser for 16 years now. I.started my - TopicsExpress


~~RANT~~ I have been a.hairdresser for 16 years now. I.started my apprenticeship at 14, I used to get paid $180 a week for 40hours of work, I used to come home.crying most days, it was so hard but I was persistent because I loveed hairdressing, During the past 15 years I have go married, had 4 children, worked through most pregnancies when my health allowed, I was 7days post birth and did a bridal party of 8, because I had promised and my baby came early. I have worked in the best and worst of salons. I have put up with the worst and best people and always smile and never hurt anyone. I still love to learn and work bloody hard, 3,4,5am.starts most weekends and my children hardly see me. So when you ask to book with me, then try to hagle and say I can get it done for $50 or can you do it for $50? Firstly dont insult me, secondly would you like a decrease in your pay? This is MY WORK and livelihood, if you want to pay $50 please go to that Hairstylist, my prices are available on my website and I charge everyone the same. please dont insult me and insult my work. I have FIXED so many $50 jobs, brides calling me crying to fix their hair.please dont take me as being stuck up or money hungry,.Im completely the opposite but I cant stand being insulted, and to all other hairstylists, mua, florist or anyone in our industry dont allow it because once you accept that persons price they will walk all over you, and they will never be happy. Trust me. You charge your worth. Thank you.😘
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 07:35:20 +0000

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