< RARE DARWIN PHOTO UP FOR SALE ON EBAY This is a long-lost - TopicsExpress


< RARE DARWIN PHOTO UP FOR SALE ON EBAY This is a long-lost photo showing Charles Darwin blowing off steam while working on his theory of evolution back in the mid-1800s. Its now being sold on E-Bay and may well fetch $1,500,000. < edconrad/pics/SaveTheWhale.jpg < (NOTE: This b&w photo has been colorized to make it look a lot nicer.) < < BID EARLY. BID OFTEN ebay/sch/?_from=R40&_trksid=p3907.m570.l1313&_nkw=darwin&. < BUYER BEWARE Even Meg Whitman cannot verify the authenticity of this item. Be damn careful that you dont get screwed. < =========== < Just the other day -- well, actually on July 29, 1996 -- de...@hell (Darwin Boy) -- Chucks great-great-grandson -- wrote to talk.origins admitting his grandpa was wrong and Ed Conrad is right . . . < < Scrapings from Ed Conrads frontal lobes < reveal clear evidence of Carboniferous < Haversian canals when viewed under my < Woolworth Junior Scientist Kit microscope. < Ed Conrad, naturally, was tickled pink and wrote back . . . < Congratulations! Youve got a mighty fine microscope there. < Ive just used my Tinkertoy microscope to check out your findings and Im pretty sure Im seeing what youre seeing, except I think Im also seeing some bark of Lepidodendron and some droppings from a giant prehistoric scorpion. < Im wondering if your Woolworths Junior Scientist Kit microscope also cost $32.50 and was imported from Taiwan? < Incidentally, soon as I get a few extra bucks, Im going to order one of those Tinkertoy telescopes. I sort of question those photos being beamed back from the Hubble and Id sure like to check them out for myself. < ================ < Mark Steese ([email protected]) responded, happier than a pig in a mixture of mud and cow manure. < < All right, whos responsible for this? < < Someones actually managed to write < an Ed Conrad spoof thats funny enough < to almost be believable as a real post from < lovable, furry old Ed. < < Its a little too obvious, but its still great, < especially the total non-sequitur shift to < the Hubble in the last paragraph. < < Keep up the good work! < -- Mark Steese =============== < ETRIFIED BONES, TEETH AND EVEN SOFT ORGANS -- SOME HUMAN -- FOUND BETWEEN COAL VEINS < Pix of Human Skull Embedded in Boulder < edconrad/oldascoal/page3_files/body_data/skulla.jpg < edconrad/oldascoal/page3_files/body_data/skullb.jpg < edconrad/pics/SkullBoulderSide.jpg < edconrad/pics/FINGERSx.jpg edconrad/pics/Skullx.jpg edconrad/pics/OldestHumanSkull.JPG edconrad/pics/z8femur.jpg edconrad/pics/HumanBrain.jpg edconrad/pics/HumanJaw3.jpg < edconrad/pics/MoreFossils.jpg ttp://edconrad/pics/GallBladder1.jpg edconrad/pics/GallBladder2.jpg < < WORLDS OLDEST TOOL edconrad/pics/OldestTool.jpg < Whoops! Maybe THIS is the Oldest Tool . . . edconrad/pics/PetrifiedPP.jpg < OTHER FOSSILS FOUND BETWEEN COAL VEINS < edconrad/pics//z3dino.jpg edconrad/pics/LargeTooth5.jpg edconrad/pics/Fetus6.jpg edconrad/pics/Fetuses2.jpg edconrad/pics/Scorpion.jpg < ============= < edconrad/images/inslate5.jpg edconrad/images/inslate_mysterious.jpg < edconrad/pics/FirstDiscovery.jpg htp://edconrad/pics/InSlate3.jpg edconrad/pics/InSlate2.jpg edconrad/pics/InSlate11.jpg edconrad/images/inslate.gif edconrad/pics/Scorpion.jpg edconrad/pics/FirstDiscovery.jpg < We can forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -- Plato < Youre not only fighting the man in the ring, Ed. Youre also fighting the referee and the three judges.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 11:52:34 +0000

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