((( RE-POST ))) Once upon a time , there was a great kingdom - TopicsExpress


((( RE-POST ))) Once upon a time , there was a great kingdom beside the seven mountains , ruled by the old king.The king and the Queen had only one son named, Ilham , who was a true muslim and stood firm on his deen . One day when the Prince reached the age to get married , the Queen and the King wanted him to marry a real princess whose blood is royal, but when consulted with Ilham , he said “yes indeed ummi , I would love to have a real princess and I shan’t marry until I get one “ This instant reply made them happy but before they could express their happiness in words , their beloved son continued “ But ummi , you must really understand who the real princess is” , the Queen smiled and said “ I know who the real princess is and we shall find a true royal blood for you. Do not fret” ,but Ilham shook his head “ No ummi ,Only the royal blood cannot be called as my Princess , I want a girl who is pious and love Allah (swt) more than her own life. Who spends her time remembering him and pleasing him alone . simply to say She should be a great mother to my children and nurtur them well while inculcating good morals and habits” this small but strong speech alarmed both the King and the Queen .The king was infuriated by his son’s words said in a strict voice, “ Son, we are not in search of a maid for your children , we need to find an apt pair for you , and Queen , please try to put some sense in your son’s head” and then he went out . the poor Queen who was partly stunned and partly mortified by both her son’s and husband’s words tried to explain to her son that his Abu was right . But Ilham was ready to defend his argument . He calmly said “ Ummi I know very well that I am not in a need of a maid but a wife , the girl who can be a great mother can very well be a great wife too . If she pleases Allah , she will definitely please me too as a wife , and that one girl will be MY real princess , thus I need a girl who is religious and pious “ The Queen was left to agree with her son as she had never ever thwarted him , she fueled her courage and faced the King to plea regarding the request of Ilham , after few days of constant duas and persuasion, she was able to convince the King . Ilham was really happy but that did not last long , no matter whom he convinced, if he doesn’t know how to find his real princess among the thousands of girls in his kingdom , who ,after hearing the desire of the future King pretended to be a better Muslimah .Time flew passed while the family was musing over this question. Ilham never lost hope he believed his lord and constantly asked dua . One night there was a heavy rain with a series of lightening and thunder , everyone was fast asleep ,when the central gate of the palace was knocked aloud.The Queen and the King who were having a night stroll in the palace hurried to the door along with few guards. There stood a woman in her niqab supporting an elderly man who was badly hurt , water was dripping from their dresses and the woman in the niqab faced the Queen and said “ Assalamu alaikum , I am Habeeba binth Aslam (habeeba daughter of Aslam). We are living in the village seen on the left side of the far mountain ,my father is a carpenter, we had a long journey to visit our uncle who is living across the river ,As my father is weak and old he got injured when he slipped due to the rain , please grant us some food and a place to stay tonight and May Allah bless you in abundance “ The queen who was moved by the innocence of the voice and the polite manner of the young girl granted permission to stay in the palace for that night . It was nearly half past one when Habeeba actually went to bed after making her father comfortable. She fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow..no wonder, as she had the most tiring day. The dawn was breaking through the far horizon when the Queen woke up hearing the adhan for fajr. After performing ablution she hurried to the ladies prayer room and stopped abruptly when she saw a silhouette of a woman doing sajdha. She hid behind a pillar and watched in silence , when the sun rays sprinkled through the window , the Queen was able to see the girl’s face clearly , she was a normal girl not very beautiful but her eyes were sparkling and the little smile which never left her mouth added amazing glow to her ordinary face , the Queen couldn’t take the eyes off the girl. She quickly understood that this girl was Habeeba who had come during the night seeking help. At the same moment Habeeba sensed the presence of another soul in the room and quickly turned to find who it was while trying to cover her face. She was happy to find the queen and said salam to greet the generous Queen.The Queen greeted her back and started to pray her fajr prayer while Habeeba sat in a corner to recite Al-Quran. After completing the prayer the Queen silently watched the girl who was absorbed in reciting . Now the queen sensed that the girl looked tired and she had not slept well the night before. When the queen inquired after it , Habeeba replied , “ Yes My dearest Queen , I had the most tiring day yesterday as we walked miles to reach this place , that is the reason of my tiredness “ The queen said “ then you must need some sleep , you could have slept a little longer” to this the reply from the girl was too quick “ subhanaallah , dear Queen I wouldn’t let myself be the poorest person by missing thahujjath at any cost , I cant let myself be ungrateful to my lord who saved my father and myself by giving us a shelter .indeed the reason for having fajr in the early hour of the day is because Allah wants us to wake up early morning and sleeping even after hearing the fajr adhan , the call from our lord will make me feel guilty and ashamed of myself , HE had blessed me with a life so that I can serve him well and I don’t want my master to be disappointed with the soul he had bestowed me with ” tears ran down her cheekbone while telling this and the Queen witnessed the truthfulness and honesty in the eyes of the young girl , the love for RAB is clearly said in words subhanallah . Now the thought struck the Queen , “finally here is my son’s real princess” the Queen took immediate leave and hurried through the corridor in search of her son , luckily enough Ilham was on his way back form the mosque , the Queen met him near the central gate and narrated the whole incident that happened the previous night and about Habeeba bint Aslam. Immediately a discussion was held between the King, the Queen and Ilham , and soon enough the message was sent to Aslam in asking for a family tie with the royal family’s only son, Ilham. Aslam was left with no words as he felt himself in the ninth cloud , but when the message reached Habeeba , she was taken back , She said she needs some time and unable to decide quickly , people were shocked to see the foolishness of the girl as it does seemed a little more than foolishness to reject a willing call from the royal family and to be a part of the family is surely a dream come true . But Habeeba had her own reasons , she said “ Abi , I cant decide my life alone , I need to get the consent of my lord indeed , I will be happy to live with a poor man who is the richest in the eyes of Allah . I need to pray Isthihara and decide my life with the consent of My Allah “ this wise words of Habeeba reached the ears of Ilham . He was so happy and he too started to pray Isthihara . Three days passed by, in complete suspense , and finally Habeeba agreed to marry Ilham , as both of them got positive responses to their immense dua after isthihara . Alhamdulillah the wedding was not a big banquet no looked like a royal wedding , but indeed that was the most wonderful wedding ever as it followed all the right customs of Islam ,the way of life.Days rolled away, the pious couple were blessed with three children, they grew under the shade of Islam as they had the perfect practicing parents who faced every trials sent by allah with commitment and true love for the sake of Allah alone . the kingdom flourished with the happiness of the King , Ilham and his own REAL PRINCESS Habeeba . They, together dreamed and prayed to live a never ending happy life together in heaven too . With Allah’s grace As-sakeenath, mawadhdha and rahmath comfortably wrapped the life of the happy family. THE END
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:40:55 +0000

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