***REGRETTABLE REGRET*** The most dangerous and foolish thing in - TopicsExpress


***REGRETTABLE REGRET*** The most dangerous and foolish thing in life is to be living in sin but pretending to the people around to be a true child of God, dearly beloved please lets judge ourselves now with the bible standards [2timothy2vs19] and tell ourselves the HARD TRUTH YOU MAY SUCCEED TO HIDE YOUR SIN FROM PASTOR AND THE PEOPLE AROUND BUT I ASK YOU MY FRIEND CAN YOU HIDE IT FROM GOD? Friends eternity bells is ringing louder everyday with so many signs to show it. NOW IS THE RIGHT DAY OF SALVATION, ENOUGH OF PRETENCE AND I DONT CARE KIND OF LIFE in church, IT DOES NOT MATTER KIND OF LIFE, ITS NOT ENOUGH TO BE WELL KNOWN IN THE CHURCH, DOES HEAVEN KNOW YOU? Think about it my dear friends and lets leave that wide path that is so sweet and very honey but the end so DESTRUCTIVE I want us to still meet in heaven someday but its so unfortunate that many have willing decided to spend eternity in hell=>where the fire is not quenched and the worms dies not oh what a regrettable regret to miss heaven a terrible regret to join the devil you always bind and loose, my heart bleeds for some of my fellow youths that this issue of GOING TO HEAVEN is sounding like a joke to them please my friends WATCH AND FLEE FROM THE PATH TO HELL, heaven or hell, the life we live on earth will decide it for us. DECIDE FOR YOURSELF HEBREWS 9vs27 and as it is appointed unto man once to die and after this, judgment hebrews10vs31 IT IS A FEARFUL THING TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE LIVING GOD Hebrews12vs29 FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 19:35:55 +0000

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