***REMINDER*** EVERY SIKH ACROSS THE GLOBE SHOULD SUPPORT THE 7 JANUARY PEACEFUL DAY OF PROTEST - Day 53: Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, Lakhnaur Sahib Hunger Strike 5 January 2015, Lakhnaur Sahib – Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa who has been on hunger strike for the last 53 days requested the Sikh nation to raise black flags on 7 January 2015 to protest the injustices committed against the Sikh nation. The request was made by Bhai Gurbaksh Singh during the Ardas Samagam on 1 January 2015. The Ardas Samagam was attended by over 50,000 people and watched live by millions worldwide, spreading huge awareness throughout the ground-level masses about the campaign to free Sikh prisoners languishing in Indian jails. Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale, in a live televised broadcast during their latest visit to Lakhaur Sahib today, appealed to the Sikh Sangat to support this request from Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, in a similar way to how Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana had requested the nation to raise a Kesri Nishaan Sahib outside every home on 31 March 2012. A part-recording of the support message from Lakhnaur Sahib can be watched at the following link: https://youtube/watch?v=Bp61gnsmeKo Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa explained how they have personally known Bhai Gurbaksh Singh for 16 years since childhood, and even during the early days of Gurmat Parchar Diwaans Bhai Sahib used to request 15 to 20 minutes of stage time specially to promote the cause. This is fact and therefore evidence of Bhai Gurbaksh Singh’s historic endeavours to promote Panthic matters. After meeting Bhai Gurbaksh Singh today, Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa said Bhai Sahib’s health is deteriorating day-by-day and he is visibly weaker since their last meeting. This is not a battle that should be left for Bhai Gurbaksh Singh to fight alone, but a clear message should be sent out that the just demands are being raised and supported by the whole of Punjab and all Sikhs worldwide. - ENDS (SHARE NEWS ITEM) - __________________________ LIKE: https://facebook/pages/Official-Sant-Baba-Ranjit-Singh-Ji-Dhadrianwale/206493499401536?ref=hl
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 21:03:47 +0000

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