#RP Im getting sick of this shit I am so sick of hearing people - TopicsExpress


#RP Im getting sick of this shit I am so sick of hearing people talking about the entire continent of Africa like its infested with Ebola. Its not — not even close. The infected (including the deceased) portion of Africa is next to zero. Its actually less than 0.0007%. Dont believe me? Do the math. Dont know how? Ill help. Population of Africa = about 1.111 billion. A conservative estimate of infected people = 8,000 8,000/1,111,000,000 = 0.000007 or 0.0007%. In other words, more than 99.9993% of Africa has not been infected with Ebola. Also worth noting, the United States is roughly 3.97 million sq miles in area. The continent of Africa (which some people still think is a country) is roughly 11.67 million sq miles. 11.67/3.97 = ~2.94 (lets call it 3) Therefore, Africa is 3 times larger than the United States. So what have we learned here? People need to start looking at things from a logical point of view instead of buying into all of the hype the media has created. Yes, Ebola is a serious problem in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia, but these small countries do not represent an entire continent. What about America? Population of USA = roughly 319,000,000 Number of infected = 1 1/319,000,000 = 0.000000003, so 0.0000003% of America has Ebola, while 99.9999997% of the country does not. Logic prevails. Is Ebola bad? Of course, its terrible, deadly, and needs to be stopped. (Q) Do you have Ebola? (A) No — unless youre one of the unfortunate few located in the epidemic zone, which is rather isolated in relation to the rest of the continent. (Q) Can the transmission of Ebola be prevented? (A) Yes. (Q) Is Ebola airborne? (A) No. (Q) When should we worry? (A) With each new infected individual comes a new generation of the virus. Each generation gives the virus a chance to mutate. If a mutation occurs, wed be particularly worried if it were a mutation that allowed the virus to become airborne. Thats why it is imperative we get things under control in Africa. Our concern should not be focused on the extremely unlikely scenario of an American outbreak right now, it should be focused on eradicating it completely.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 18:23:38 +0000

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