“Radio is well behind TV and the Internet” when Americans seek - TopicsExpress


“Radio is well behind TV and the Internet” when Americans seek local emergency info. Researcher Mark Kassof says “I’m a radio guy,” so he personally turns first to radio. But he says “consumers set me straight” about their evolving habits, in a new 707-person phone survey of Americans age 18 to 64. Here’s the wording he used – “Let’s talk about sources of information about emergencies that could affect a local community – like severe weather, flooding, power outages, gas leaks, chemical spills, fires, tainted water supplies and major accidents. Where would you go to first for information in the event of an emergency? Would you turn to…” And respondents could choose AM/FM radio, TV, Internet, newspapers, smartphone apps or some other source. TV was the choice of more than a third of the participants, at 37%. The Internet was second at 25%. AM or FM ranked third at 17% - not that far ahead of smartphone apps at 13%. Mark finds men (at 20%) more likely to think of radio than women (12%), with “45-64 year old men the most likely to turn to radio.” Kassof lived through this very circumstance two years ago, with a twister just 10 miles away from his Ann Arbor home. His daughter offered “constant updates from her classmates on Twitter,” but “the local ‘community’ radio station” stayed with syndicated programming.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:47:01 +0000

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