"Rahm Emanuel is just doing what good liberals do. They use every - TopicsExpress


"Rahm Emanuel is just doing what good liberals do. They use every crises to advance their agenda. Chicago, like Detroit has been run by Liberals for decades. The results are clear to all who dare to look. What we are seeing here is just a practice run for a police state. They need us to get used to seeing uniformed patrolmen on every corner, watching our every move. They are there to protect the citizens of course, this is the lie they always tell, until the they decide they need to protect the government first and for most. Instead of doing the hard work of reforming the pension package of his union pals, which by the way is doomed to collapse, they shut down 50 school programs, fire teachers, and then they use money that could be spent on education to hire 600 more workers at $10.00 and hour for the "Safe Passage" program. "Safe passage" to what? There is nothing safe about trusting the government for your security. This is what happens when a city refuses to allow law abiding citizens their God given right to protect themselves. This whole thing reminds me of the "middle passage". Our kids deserve better than just getting to school safely. Our kids deserve good schools and the chance to be properly educated. I urge the people of Chicago to REJECT the police state, find a way to take your kids to school, home school them, or leave. Freedom is imperative folks. Slavery is over! Michael Harris From the Article linked below: CHICAGO (AP) — Busy, unfamiliar streets were made a bit friendlier Monday, the first day of school in Chicago, thanks to hundreds of newly hired safety guards. But some parents expressed doubt the effort would protect their children, who now must cross gang boundaries to get to their new classrooms after their old ones closed. The Safe Passage program guards in neon vests lined city streets in neighborhoods with closed schools, the most visible sign of what’s at stake for the nation’s third-largest school district, which is struggling academically and financially. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who called Monday “a new beginning” for the district, planned to join students walking to O’Toole Elementary in the West Englewood neighborhood on the city’s South Side. The Chicago Board of Education — hand-picked by Emanuel — voted in May to close about 50 elementary schools and programs, a move Emanuel and schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said would allow the district to improve academics and help pay down a $1 billion budget deficit." Read more here... theblaze/stories/2013/08/26/violent-crime-forces-chicago-to-hire-hundreds-of-security-guards-to-escort-kids-to-school/
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:01:11 +0000

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