** Read this and think about our lives, in regards to morals, - TopicsExpress


** Read this and think about our lives, in regards to morals, ethics, religion (gods main commandments) and there consequences and rewards during your lifetime and when you die. In this world people will either be a good or bad person and a good or bad religious person. For example, a person can be a good person and a good religious person. 1)GOOD PERSON is someone who does not back bite, does not cheat, someone who loves and cares for there family, who gives to the needy, etc.... during there lifetime. 2)BAD PERSON is someone who lies to other people, someone who back bites, someone who steals, etc..... During there lifetime. This person will have continuous long term or permanent difficulties in life, which will negatively affect there loved ones long term or permanently. 3)GOOD RELIGIOUS PERSON is someone who always obeys gods main commandments during there lifetime. 4)BAD RELIGIOUS PERSON is someone who does not obey gods main commandments during there lifetime. **Now here are examples of how our lives are going to be during our living years and when we die in regards to these types of people. If your a good person and a bad religious person during your lifetime, you will receive your happiness here on earth for being a good person, but when you die you will receive your punishment by god for not being obedient to god during your lifetime. If your a bad person, and a good religious person during your lifetime, you will be punished here on earth for being a bad person, and you will be rewarded by god when you die for being a good religious person. If your a bad person and a bad religious person, during your lifetime, you will be punished here on earth for being a bad person and punished when you die for not being obedient to god during your lifetime. If your a good person and a good religious person during your lifetime, you will have happiness here on earth for being a good person, and when you die you will be rewarded by god for being obedient to god during your lifetime. ** Some other notes people should always remember in regards to there lives. There are some difficulties in our lives that are test from god, and is short term difficulties. God is testing you to see if your still going to be obedient to god during a short term difficulty. If your difficulties in life are long term over many many years and is negatively affecting your loved ones long term or permanently, this usually means your being punished for being a bad person (back biting, lying, stealing, etc...) People should always thru good and bad times remember god, and not only remember god thru the bad times. When people remember god thru the bad times only, and forget god thru the good times, this is a sign of a bad person trying to be manipulative with god. When we get a job, buy a home, our kid(s) graduated from a university, buy a car, etc.... dont brag and boast (show off) to other people out side of your household about these good things. God did not give you these things to brag and boast (show off) about. God gave these things to you, because your a good person and deserve it. Always be humble with all that you have. If you continue to brag and boast (show off) god will take these things away from you or punish you in other ways.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:15:09 +0000

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