■ Real Reason Why Buharis Trip To America Was Canceled Event - TopicsExpress


■ Real Reason Why Buharis Trip To America Was Canceled Event may have been cancelled due to allegations that some lobbyists were paid by the Buhari’s campaign to secure photo-sessions with United State’s government officials through the CSIS By Anthony Obi Ogbo | Houston, Texas Guardian News - Houston, TX - A proposed image-cleaning trip to the United States by All Progressives Congress (APC), General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) has been botched due to an overwhelming pressure by rights activists and United States government officials questioning the implications. Contrary to a current media release attributing the cancellation to a hectic schedule, International Guardian reliably gathered that actual reason was unconnected with the negative atmosphere already created by the unprincipled nature of the entire trip. In an email response to a media requests from International Guardian, the event facilitator, and director of Africa Program for the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jennifer Cooke stated “because of a change in his schedule, Gen. Buhari will not be travelling to the United States and the event on Monday is cancelled.” Our newsroom however, reliably gathered that the event may have been cancelled due to allegations that some lobbyists were paid by the Buhari’s campaign to secure photo-sessions with United State’s government officials through the organization. In a letter addressed to Buhari, Ms. Cooke specifically promised to invite him “to take part in a private, off-the-record briefing with a small group of senior officials from the U.S. government and U.S. Congress.” An international Guardian initial story had questioned Cook’s neutrality to the matters of Nigerian election because such gesture was not extended to President Jonathan who represents the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). It was also reported that Buhari initially wanted a visit to the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. to gain photo opportunities with interested lawmakers for his campaign but the idea failed as lobbyists were unable to gather any consideration. To compensate for the failed plan, lobbyists arranged a quick forum with the CSIS to lobby some lawmakers into meeting with Buhari behind closed doors. As a mission, the CSIS African program offers constructive analysis of political and economic dynamics of African regions to enable relevant choices of U.S. policy. However, the complexities of Buhari’s invitation may have subjected those values to ethical inquiry - especially when such event was facilitated in obscurity. Buhari it may be recalled, damaged every trust and respect with the western countries in his years as a dictator – especially with his involvement in the 1984 failed kidnap of Umaru Dikko, a former Nigerian civilian government minister living in the United Kingdom. The kidnapping took place, but the transportation was botched - causing a damaged relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. Consequently, Buhari’s advocacy for a Boko Haram amnesty may have also undermined the United States current initiative in fighting terror. To expunge these negative records, the Buhari’s campaign has considered a visit to the United States a priority in his presidential prospects. To soften the current political tension, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has indicated going to Nigeria Sunday, January 25, to meet with the leading presidential candidates and discuss the prospects of a free and fair process. Growing insecurity linked to Islamist militants has been a major issue for President Goodluck as he faces Buhari whose last election loss triggered a violence that killed thousands. The United States had earlier indicated that the upcoming election is instrumental to the sharp rise in attacks by Boko Haram, a group which has killed thousands since launching an uprising five years ago. Kerry’s is expected to dilute the growing tension intensified by partisan violence and unrelenting terrorist insurgence. From the Desk of Anthony Ogbo Guardian News USA
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 13:19:20 +0000

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