(Referring to wide open borders) I was recently asked why would - TopicsExpress


(Referring to wide open borders) I was recently asked why would they not want to come to America through our southern border, into a climate that is the middle of the Bible Belt? This is my response … simply my humble .02 cents. Actually I understand why they “all” want to be here … some for the opportunities & freedoms, some to upset our society, and some to wage war on our country (both Hispanic and other nationalities alike). However, why wouldn’t the first category come in via legal channels and become lawful, productive American citizens? Plus, if that were the case the facts would show who they are, and their intentions both good and bad for being here. In a time such as today with the drug cartels, and the Muslim hatred for America and Christians no country would simply builds a wide open foot-bridge outside their borders with a “Y’all come on in” sigh, which is exactly what this administration has done. I know my heritage like many others came here from Europe … but, the difference is my ancestry “legally migrated” here prior to the America revolution and have built this country, and have fought and died for our freedoms and our liberties in every conflict since that time … including the rule of law. I have no problem with legal immigration …. I do have a BIG problem with wide open borders where drug trafficking, human smuggling and the potential of devastating attacks within our borders seem to now be encouraged. Bottom line … come to America … but do it legally!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:41:39 +0000

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