© Reinerio Hernandez, 2014. All Rights Reserved. UFO - TopicsExpress


© Reinerio Hernandez, 2014. All Rights Reserved. UFO HEALINGS THAT HAVE BEEN SWEPT UNDER THE RUG by Reinerio Hernandez, J.D., MCP, PhD. Candidate FREE Co-Founder The following are the VERY RARE cases of UFO Healings per Bud Hopkins Bud Hopkins: Hopkins stated The question is whether we hear about healings. We do sometimes, VERY RARELY, but they do turn up. And we dont know what to make of them.” Quote by Preston Dennett in his book “UFO Healings”, from a UFO Conference he attended where Hopkins spoke in Coronado, Ca in 1994. Preston Dennett: His book, UFO Healings: True Accounts of people healed by Extraterrestrials, Wild Flower Press, 1996, presents 105 cases of Healings by ETs. This is the link to his book: amazon/Ufo-Healings-Accounts-People-Extraterrestrials/dp/092652433X YouTube Link: https://youtube/watch?v=BGr892SQtx4#t=85 Rey Hernandez: My first ET contact experience was where my 16 year old dog, NENA (“little girl” in Spanish), was completely healed in my living room from a total paralysis she had suffered 12 hours earlier by a floating plasma energy being. This healing was witness by my wife and I. This occurred on March 4, 2012 Rev Michael Carter: Michael is my friend and an Advisory Board member of FREE. Michael has told me of how an ET cured him in one night from a severely damaged leg he had from a blod clot in his leg. His leg was swollen to twice the size of his normal leg. The ET then touched him, he was knocked out, and when he work up, his leg was miraculously cured. Joe Montaldo: In a recent interview I had with Joe he heard my story of my dog’s miraculous healing and he informed me of two Experiencers he knows that were cured by ETs of a spreading malignant cancer. Both were completely cured of their cancers in 1 night. Chris Bledsoe: Chris Bledsoe and his wife are friends and Experiencers. They told me of how Chris had a miraculous healing of his Crohns Disease in one day by his ETs. Anonymous FREE Board Member: This member had a debilitating disease for many years. One day she could not take the pain anymore and then called out for the ETs that recently started to interact with her to please help her with this disease. She was miraculously cured of this disease 2 days later. Edith Fiore: Edith stated in her book, Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of Abductions by Extraterrestrials the following: One of the most interesting findings that emerged from this work was the many healings and attempts to heal on the part of the visitors... In about one half of the cases Ive been involved, there have been healings due to operations and/or treatments. Sometimes the cures are permanent. At other times the conditions recur. Page 322 and 334 Jim Sparks: In his book The Keepers, details how the ETs cleaned his lungs from the toxic soot developed from a lifetime of smoking and gave him a little package of the soot that was in his lungs. Dr. John Mack: in his book Abductions, Dr. Mack states many abductees have experienced or witnessed healing conditions ranging from minor wounds to pneumonia, childhood leukemia, and even in one case reported to me first-hand, the overcoming of muscular atrophy in a leg related to poliomyelitis. page 13, 45 Dan Wright: Manager of the “MUFON Abduction Transcription Project” stated that according to his preliminary statistical analysis, 11% of physiological effects caused by UFO cases are healing cases. The Entities: Initial Findings of the Abduction Transcription Project, pp 3-6 Leonard Stringfield: Leonard stated in his book Situation Red the following: Healing cases on record battle ufologists. More than a few who are looking into new realms for clues of the UFO nature and source are now seriously studying cases once dismissed as nonsense. p. 72 Jacques Vallee: Valle stated in his book “The Invisible College” the following: “We find that phenomena of precognition, telepathy, and even healing are not unusual amount the reports, especially when they involve close-range observation of an object or direct exposure to its light.” p. 1975 Preston Dennett: His book, UFO Healings: True Accounts of people healed by Extraterrestrials, Dennett stated on page xvii of his conversation with a UFO researcher, who wished to remain anonymous, the following conversation: “I am a certified hypnotherapist and I work with abductees seven days a week. I have many cases in my files where healing has occurred but people are afraid to tell their doctors what happened to bring about the healing.” In summary, all of these very well known and highly respected “UFO researchers” have demonstrated that “MIRACULOUS HEALINGS” by ETs are not, “VERY RARE” after all, unlike what Budd Hopkins wanted to convey to his audience. In fact, it is the opposite, it is VERY COMMON. Instead, “MIRACULOUS HEALINGS” by ETs are actually very common. I wonder what Hopkins truly meant when he stated that “we dont know what to make of them.” Could the answer be that for Hopkins, just like his colleague David Jacobs, all “ETs” are evil? Could it also be that this well known fact of ET Healings did not fit into their preconceived mindset of the “Evil Alien”? Because they both viewed all ETs as “Evil”, maybe that is why they never spoke of these healings-- they just “did not know what to make of them.” Thus, this information needed to be “swept under the rug.” It is time that we shine a bright light on this little know aspect of ET Contact-- MIRACULOUS HEALINGS. YouTube Link: https://youtube/watch?v=BGr892SQtx4#t=85 3
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 23:13:46 +0000

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