“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”- Shemot 20:8 - TopicsExpress


“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”- Shemot 20:8 (Exodus 20:8) “Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD [Yahweh] thy G-d hath commanded thee.” - Devarim 5:12 (Deuteronomy 5:12) Yahweh wants us to not only remember when the Sabbath day is (to acknowledge it), He desires—and commands of us—that we keep (to observe) it. Its not enough for an individual to just say “Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset is Yahwehs Shabbat (Sabbath); I remember” You must acknowledge and you must keep (observe it) with all your heart as He commands us to. “If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My Holy Day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of the LORD [Yahweh], honourable; and shalt honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD [Yahweh];and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD [Yahweh] hath spoken it.” - Isaiah 58:13-14 “Hear, O Israel: The LORD [Yahweh] our God is One LORD [Yahweh]: And thou shalt love the LORD [Yahweh] thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:” - Devarim 6:4-6 “Ye shall have one manner of law, as well for the stranger, as for one of your own country: for I am the LORD [Yahweh] your God.” - Vayikra 24:22 (Leviticus 24:22) “One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.” - Shemot 12:49 Sabbath, the Feasts, and the rest of the Law were handed down to Gods chosen people Israel; and to be observed also by the Gentiles who became one with Gods chosen people, by clinging to Yahweh. They were seen as Israelites in the spirit. They became part of Israel. They never—and never will—replaced them. The Law is to be obeyed by His people Israel—all Israel (those native-born and those grafted in; taking part of and becoming one with Israel). For those who say they are a Gentile-believer as to mean they believe in the God of Israel, but they dont keep the God of Israels Law, is another way to say: “I believe and acknowledge that there is no God but the G-d of Israel; but I just do not follow.” Just as there are those saying: “I know the true Sabbath day is Saturday (from Friday evening to Saturday evening) and I acknowledge this fact; but I dont keep it on the day appointed. Moreover I do not believe it to be part of the eternal new covenant with G-d.” The Law is to be kept by anybody following the G-d of Israel, there is no exception to the obedience of the Law because youre a different race. You now become a Jew—in spirit—part of the Jewish Family of God (not replacing the Jew to be a Gentile or Gentiles to remain how they were before coming to Christ yet with little improvement [but virtually still the same with the same Gentile ways and ignoring the commandment of the Most High God they supposedly are to be following]). It is not the Gentile which the New Covenant is made with, it is the house of Judah and the house of Israel (Jeremiah 31:31). Any Gentile wanting to come to God, is not to convert the Jew to their ways (thus being a Gentile), but it is the Gentile himself that converts [through Christ] into a Jew—spiritually. There is only One People of G-d, and that is Israel. Any Gentile who follows Him then becomes one with His people, and PART of the Jewish People & Family of God—not replace them. Becoming One with the People of the New Covenant, which all of Scripture pertains to. Even salvation is of the Jews, nothing of God is Gentile-related (See John 4:22). And any native-born Jew who is a believer in Christ is a Jew both physically and spiritually. Any who say Yahshua broke or did away with the Torah (law of God) has been misled. The book of Deuteronomy states that anyone who adds or takes away from the law is a false prophet. The rest of the Scripture of Jeremiah states that the law of God will not be doing away with—but establish—the Torah in our hearts. He does this by writing what was written in the front and back of the two tablets of stone (Shemot 32:15), to the front and back of the two tablets of our heart, so that we may keep it, not ignore or neglect it. See the New Covenant prophesied in the book of Jeremiah and the book of Ezekiel. Yahshua Himself taught He didnt come to take the law away (Matthew 5:17-19). In 1 John 5:3 it states that the very definition of love to God is by keeping His Commandments—and they are not burdensome. In Malachi 4:6, Yahweh talks about the end times and says to remember the law He made with Moses. He says this before the first chapter of the New Testament was written—reminding us that just because we receive the New Covenant does not mean we forget His Holy and Perfect Law. Malachi is prophesying for our times under the New Covenant. Furthermore, 1 John 3:4 tells us the definition of sin is to break the law—so Yahshua died so we can break it again? Does that make any sense? In Revelation 14:12 the Remnant of God is defined as those who keep His Commandments—WITH the faith of Yahshua—they dont reject His Law just because they have the Messiah. And to conclude: We are to obey, observe, and keep the law of God—with all our heart and soul (“And thou shalt love the LORD [Yahweh] thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:5), not as an obligation but out of love to obey Him. That includes the Sabbath, the Feasts, etc. whether youre a Jew by birth or a Gentile by birth, because if you follow Yahweh the God of Israel truly, you are then part of Israel—a Jew in spirit. One with Abrahams seed (Galatians 3:29). What matters is who you are in the spirit not who you are in the flesh. There is a difference between not being under the law (which if we break we receive the curse of the law) and being under grace (to help you keep the law. The strength to do so without need take a goat and offer it as a sin sacrifice [because through repentance we escape death and are forgiven, by the Holy Blood of Christ]). If Christ disobeyed Yahweh by breaking the Sabbath, He would be a false prophet, false Messiah and a sinner. He broke the law of the Pharisees-- not His Fathers. Remember if Christ broke anything from the law—not only Sabbath—He would make an imperfect sacrifice—thus unable to be offered up to God as a sacrifice of our sins against the Torah, since He Himself also fell short of the glory of God and sinned (He would then, by default of His sins, would need a savior to rescue Him!). But because Christ didnt break the law, is perfect, and never came to do away with the law (but continue prophecy from Judaism) then we see how the law is to be kept also by us today in Yahshua (since it was never done away). “He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the Word which ye have heard from the beginning.” - 1 John 2:6-7. Christ didnt come to start a new religion in the world, Christ is the Messiah and Last Prophet of Judaism—He is its fulfillment. His teachings (and all of the New Testaments teachings such as the letters of Paul) were all based on the Foundation of all of Scripture—the Holy Law of God—the Holy Torah. Moses prophesied, as it was reveled to him directly from Yahweh, that there would be One to rise up who would be like unto him (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19) . Yahshua—HE is like Moses—yet GREATER than Moses is He. Amen. deeplyknowinggod.blogspot/2014/01/sabbath-new-covenant-gentiles.html
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 01:51:03 +0000

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