~~Repost~~ **** THIS IS NOT A JOKE **** If you think the US is - TopicsExpress


~~Repost~~ **** THIS IS NOT A JOKE **** If you think the US is headed for TYRANNY you are WRONG. IT IS ALREADY HERE and US citizens have been effectively living under martial law since March 16, 2012 when BARACK OBAMA signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order that puts the government (the president and his secretaries) completely ABOVE THE LAW and in control of EVERYTHING (resources, water, energy, production, health, & you name it). At any moment the president can suspend elections, stop the Congress from meeting, force the Supreme Court to recess, and deploy troops on US SOIL to stop any protests. Another law, the NDAA, gives the president and his agents the right to seize and arrest any U.S. citizen, detain them indefinitely without charge or trial, and do so only on suspicion, without any judicial oversight or due process. If you think this will never happen in practice I tell you it has already been done. There is NO congressional oversight for either of these two laws. I hope you are SCARED enough to actually DO something before this president (or a successor) decides to make him/her self dictator. Remember, all it takes for EVIL to gain control is for good people to DO NOTHING. Are you one of those good people? Write or at least email your representative and senators. Tell them what you think. Read about it. Do you support these laws? FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE (just put in your zip code) house.gov/representatives/find/ CONTACT YOUR SENATORS senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 05:47:20 +0000

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