[Rescued of Odor] 1 nov 2014 Odor rescued from 10mile He was - TopicsExpress


[Rescued of Odor] 1 nov 2014 Odor rescued from 10mile He was quite weak, walking wobbly in public area bearing unimaginable pain and strong rotten smell on his back with flies flying and stingy on his wound. Where no one seems to give a care about him, just avoid or chase him away. No one reported him or attempt to help. 2014年11月1日,要不是义工们正好路过,要不是碰巧看到臭臭/奥多独自颠簸拖行在十里街头,他可能已经痛苦孤独地辞世了……人来人往的街头,这么触目惊心的伤口,居然人人视若无睹,人性本善……吗? If our volunteer didnt decided to stop by that area, he would have been left there and suffer to death. His wound is caused by Splashing hot boiling water on the back of his body. Besides this huge wound, hes diagnosed with serious Tick Fever. His blood cell was infected with bacteria. Hes now at our panel vet receiving treatment and under observation. 他的大面积创伤是被大量滚烫的沸水造成的,验血报告也显示他的血液中含有细菌,感染了壁虱热,不过讨是一口饭食,却几乎要了他的命,人性本善……吗? He was named odor because of the heavy rotten smell from his flesh when SOS Kuching volunteer met him. 臭臭之名,源自伤口的恶臭,义工们至今难忘屏息护送的车程 Currently he need to board at vet to undergo treatment and it will be a quite long period until hes fully recover. its been 33days already. Were looking for kind soul who can help to contribute to donate in his medical fee and to adopt him. He cant be release back to his original place any more. 时至今日,臭臭住院第33天,眼看疗程还未能完全结束,我们必须为他公开筹款,也祈求能为他找到一个永恒的避风港,一个家。原来的地方太危险,他不可能再回去了。 Those interested to help, do contact us. 有意帮助臭臭/奥多的,请联络任何一位行政义工。
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 05:07:47 +0000

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